How to Calculate Simulation

How to Calculate Simulation

After setting up the Company Parameters and calculation logics for the simulations you can calculate them:

  1. Select the simulation to (re)calculate and click the Calculate button. The status changes from 'Draft' to 'Pending'.
    Before the status changes to 'Ready', you can cancel the calculation by clicking Cancel calculation.

  2. When the simulation status changes to 'Ready', the simulation details can be viewed by clicking the simulation's ID or Label. The results per product are shown, similarly to a Price List. 
    If necessary, you can manually override the simulated result price in the Manual Override column.
    Result matrixes and charts are not supported in Simulations. The values they show are always calculated by the "Simulation only" logic and no comparison is provided.

  3. (Optional) Click the Summary button to display the aggregated results (e.g., per product group) (see How to Display Summary Results of Simulation).

  4. Click the Back button to go back to the list of simulations.

  5. Repeat the procedure to simulate other changes to Company Parameters and/or calculation logics.
    In order to keep the manual prices after recalculation of the simulation, enable the Keep Manual Overrides checkbox. Otherwise all manual prices will be deleted for the recalculation.

See also a step-by-step example How to Create a Price List Simulation.

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Pricefx version 14.0