How to Set up a Simulation
To set up a new simulation:
Click the Add Simulation button.
Enter a Label for the new simulation.
Select a Base Price List or Base Price Grid from the drop-down list. This base price list/grid defines which products and price list/grid parameters will be used for the simulation.
Optionally, you can use the Simulation Set field to specify a formula or parameters that are going to be used if all other keys are the same. Using this column you can define/name various scenarios based on used data (e.g., "Best Case", "Worst Case").
You can leave the field empty. In this case all Company Parameters and logics not assigned to a simulation set will be used.If required, set the data-handling options:
Keep manual overrides – If checked, the manually overridden fields from the original price list/grid are kept.
Use filter criteria – If checked, the product filter used in the original price list is newly evaluated (and so the revised price list can end up with a different number of products).
Save only changed items – If you use a different pricing logic in the price list revision, you can choose to have in the resulting price list only products which have different prices than in the original price list.
Ignore secondary key filtering – Enable if you use a matrix price list and you change the simulation logic in a way that it returns more secondary keys. (For simple Price Lists or if the logic changes other parameters than the keys, leave this option unchecked.)
Enter a valid Target date. The date determines which Company Parameters and calculation logics will be used.
Click Add.
Optionally, you can change the Company Parameters and calculation logics you want to use (see How to Edit a Simulation).
The simulation will use all Company Parameters and calculation logics with the status 'Active' for which no equivalent with status 'Simulation Only' can be found.Select the new simulation from the list and click Calculate to run the simulation (see How to Calculate Simulation).
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Pricefx version 14.0