How to Merge Price Lists
You can consolidate several Price Lists into one.
Select the Price Lists you want to consolidate. Do not select the Price List into which the other Price Lists should be merged (the target Price List).
Click the Merge button.
Select a target Price List from the drop-down list. All selected Price Lists will be merged into this target Price List.
The following rules apply to merging:
If an item is already present in the target price list (it is a duplicate), it is not overwritten, the original information is kept.
If an item is not present in the target price list, it is inserted.
If you want to have the duplicates overwritten, simply swap the target and source Price List.Columns with the same Element Name will be merged. If the Element Name is different, the column will be added to the target Price List.
There is a maximum of 100 columns per Price List.
If the target Price List is in the approved state, the source Price List must be also approved to be able to merge them.
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Pricefx version 14.0