Non-Functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are crucial aspects of a system that define its operation rather than its specific behaviors. They describe how a system performs certain functions and are essential for ensuring the system's overall quality, usability, and performance. In the context of a Prescriptive Design Requirement (PDR) for prescriptive delivery, non-functional requirements address various system attributes such as performance, security, scalability, and maintainability.

KEY INSIGHT: Non-functional requirements are critical in prescriptive design, defining how the system should perform across key areas like performance, scalability, security, usability, reliability, maintainability, and interoperability.

KEY VALUE: Automating the recalculation and updating of non-functional requirements allows the system to continuously adapt to changing conditions, optimizing performance without manual intervention and ensuring the solution meets all prescribed design standards.

Purpose of Non-functional Requirements

  • Define system attributes and capabilities by describing how the system should perform and operate, rather than focusing on specific functional behaviors.

  • Ensure Overall System Quality through use of NFRs as a critical component for defining the system's overall quality, usability, and performance.

  • Enable continuous adaptation and optimization by automating the recalculation and updating of NFRs to allow the system to continuously adapt to changing conditions.

  • Promote horizontal and vertical scalability requirements that enable the system to scale effectively to handle increased workloads or resource needs.

  • Strengthen security and compliance using NFRs related to data protection, authentication, authorization, and regulatory compliance to safeguard the system.

  • Enhance user experience and satisfaction with NFRs focused on usability, accessibility, and reliability contribute to a positive user experience.

Key Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) Categories

Recalculations and Updates

Automatic recalculations and updates for non-functional requirements in prescriptive design requirements refer to the system's ability to dynamically adjust and update aspects that are not directly related to the system's primary functionality. In prescriptive design requirements, non-functional requirements define how the system should perform rather than what it should do.

Automatic recalculations and updates ensure that these non-functional aspects, such as performance metrics, security measures, and scalability parameters, are continuously monitored and adjusted as needed without manual intervention. This automation allows the system to adapt to changing conditions, maintain optimal performance, and meet the specified non-functional criteria effectively.

By incorporating automatic recalculations and updates for non-functional requirements, the system can remain efficient, secure, and compliant with the prescribed design standards without constant manual oversight.

Performance Requirements

Response Time, Throughput, and Latency are critical factors that impact system performance. Response Time ensures timely user input processing, Throughput defines the system's processing capacity, and Latency focuses on minimizing delays for smooth functionality. The system must respond within a specified time frame, handle a set number of transactions per second, and maintain minimal latency, particularly for critical operations to ensure optimal functionality and user experience.

Scalability Requirements

Horizontal Scalability and Vertical Scalability are essential considerations for system design and performance optimization. Horizontal Scalability involves the system's ability to accommodate additional servers or nodes to manage increased workload without sacrificing performance.

On the other hand, Vertical Scalability focuses on enhancing performance by upgrading hardware resources such as CPU and memory. Horizontal Scalability ensures seamless scalability by adding more servers, while Vertical Scalability enhances performance through hardware upgrades, collectively contributing to an efficient and adaptable system architecture.

Security Requirements

Data Protection, Authentication and Authorization, and Compliance are essential components for ensuring the security and integrity of a system. Data Protection involves maintaining data confidentiality, integrity, and availability through encryption of sensitive information and implementing secure access controls. Authentication and Authorization mechanisms are crucial for verifying user identities and regulating resource access to prevent unauthorized usage.

Compliance with regulatory standards and industry best practices is necessary to uphold security measures and ensure the system meets required security protocols and guidelines. Together, these elements form a robust security framework to safeguard data and maintain system integrity.

Usability Requirements

User Interface and Accessibility are vital aspects of system design that enhance user experience and inclusivity. A user-friendly interface is essential, providing intuitive navigation and operation for users. Accessibility standards, such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), ensure that the system is accessible to individuals with disabilities, promoting inclusivity and usability for all users.

By prioritizing a user-friendly interface and adhering to accessibility guidelines, the system can cater to a diverse range of users and offer an enhanced user experience for everyone.

Reliability Requirements

Availability, Fault Tolerance, and Recovery are crucial elements for ensuring system reliability and continuity. High availability is essential for the system to be operational and accessible whenever required. Fault Tolerance enables the system to maintain functionality even in the face of hardware or software failures, ensuring uninterrupted operation. Additionally, the system should incorporate robust recovery mechanisms, such as data backups and disaster recovery plans, to swiftly recover from failures and minimize downtime.

By prioritizing availability, fault tolerance, and recovery strategies, the system can uphold reliability and resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges.

Maintainability Requirements

Modularity, Documentation, Monitoring, and Logging are essential components for system design and maintenance. A modular system design allows for easy updates, enhancements, and maintenance, ensuring flexibility and scalability.

Comprehensive documentation is crucial for understanding the system's architecture, components, and interfaces, aiding in maintenance and troubleshooting processes.

Monitoring and logging capabilities enable tracking of system performance, issue detection, and debugging, enhancing system reliability and efficiency. By incorporating modularity, documentation, monitoring, and logging features, the system can be effectively managed, maintained, and optimized for seamless operation.

Interoperability Requirements

Interoperability Requirements encompass Integration and Compatibility, essential for seamless system operation. Integration capabilities enable the system to smoothly integrate with other platforms and systems by supporting standard communication protocols and data formats.

Compatibility ensures the system functions across various operating systems, browsers, and devices, enhancing accessibility and usability. By prioritizing integration and compatibility, the system can effectively communicate with external systems and operate seamlessly across different environments, promoting efficiency and user satisfaction.


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