Upgrade Notes - Price Setting Accelerator 2.6.0
1. Add Rows to PriceSettingModules Company Parameter
As ActualPrice and CostAndMargin features have become modules and Condition Records can be created from PSP, you must add three new rows to the PriceSettingModules company parameter:
The Price Flexibility module is no longer used, so you can remove its row from the PriceSettingModules company parameter:
2. Hierarchical Lookups Related Changes
PriceSettingDimensions Company Parameter has a 4th key now, indicating if the given dimension belongs to primary or secondary hierarchy.
Go to PriceSettingDimensions CP and add a 4th key called "dimensionLevel" with "Dimension Level" label. This column has 2 possible field value options, "Primary" and "Secondary". Setup each row to be "Primary" to keep the current behaviour. After migration, proceed with any further changes to this feature through dedicated wizard.vLookupHierarchic function needs information if a dimension is primary or secondary. If custom code regarding
has been created, refer to the updated Groovy API documentation.
3. Modify “strategyDesigner” Advanced Property
Go to Configuration > Advanced Configuration Options.
Find the
option and open it for editing.Find the key called
and change its value from"independentPriceListLogic"
4. Create Condition Records
Manually create Condition Record Sets if you wish to use Condition Records. The Condition Record Sets should look like this:
List Price Condition Record Set:
name: "listPricePSP"
number of keys: 2
label: "List Price"
key1: "sku"/"SKU"/"String" (name/label/type)
key2: "dependencyLevel"/"Dependency Level"/"String"
attribute1: "usedPriceStrategy"/"Used Price Strategy"/"String"
attribute2: "decision"/"Decision"/"String"
Net Price Condition Record Set:
name: "netPricePSP"
number of keys: 2
label: "Net Price"
key1: "sku"/"SKU"/"String" (name/label/type)
key2: "dependencyLevel"/"Dependency Level"/"String"
key3: "discountGroup"/"Discount Group"/"String"
attribute1: "usedPriceStrategy"/"Used Price Strategy"/"String"
attribute2: "decision"/"Decision"/"String"
attribute3: "listPrice"/"List Price"/"Real (Money)"
attribute4: "discount"/"Discount"/"Real (Percent)"
5. Delete temporaryBootstrappingConfig
Company Parameter called temporaryBootstrappingConfig has been removed from PSP and can be safely deleted from your partition.
6. Strategy Designer Business Role
Business Role called "StrategyDesigner" has been updated to comply with new roles in Pricefx. If you want to use the same Business Role as shipped with PSP, you need to create it and the following user roles:
7. Add New Entries to WarningConfig Company Parameter
Add two new entries to the WarningConfig CP data:
NO_PARENT_ITEM,*,Did not find parent item in selected parent priceList/priceGrid.,Verify if parent data exist and validate it with lookup logged in technical message.,Data,Red,Yes,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
PRICE_LIST_EXPIRATION_DATE_FILLED_LATER,*,ConditionRecord ValidTo strategy used has special handling,Hide this warning in WarningConfig PP if you are aware of how condition records with PL expiration date work,Configuration,Message,Yes,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,