Upgrade of Customized Accelerator (Price Setting)

Upgrade of Customized Accelerator (Price Setting)

Before submitting a support ticket for an accelerator upgrade, please ensure that any issues encountered are not a result of your custom modifications. We do not offer support for modifications to the accelerator.

If the customer project customizes the accelerator’s logics, it happens in one of the tiers described in Customization Tiers (Price Setting).

The accelerator is technically implemented as any other customer project. It uses the common Pricefx objects and it uses the pfxpackage tool for deployment (this tool is embedded in PlatformManager and in Pricefx Studio).

When you deploy the upgrade (which is also just a standard package), the tool overwrites the existing objects on the partition which have the same names as the deployed ones.

As a result, your custom modifications to the accelerator will be overwritten during the accelerator upgrade and will have to be re-applied manually.