7. Modify Line Item Key on the Fly
You already went through the previous cookbook 6. Secondary Key.
Step 0: Task
I calculate cost differently for every customer group. I have only a few customer groups and tens of customers. I do not want to create tens of entries for every product. On algorithmical level, I need to know the following:
What is the PX column name where Customer Group is stored?
How to match a specific Customer Name to a proper Customer Group?
Step 1: Prepare Lookup Configuration
To implement the above information, we will:
Change key2Field with the name of the PX column where Customer Group is stored. We will be using Customer Group. In our case, the new column is called
.Create a logic which handles transformation from Customer Name to Customer Group.
Create a Groovy library logic. Create a function within that logic which:
Accepts one parameter which will be secondaryKey of a line item. In our case it will be Customer Name.
Returns the transformed value – in our case Customer Group.
Example:def getCustomerGroup(String secondaryKey) { if (secondaryKey.startsWith("Cust-1")) { return "CUSTOMER_GROUP_1" } return "CUSTOMER_GROUP_GENERAL" }
Put the path to the above function in the key2Transformation field.
The format is:
In our case it is:
key1Transformation/key2Transformation – Path to the function which can transform PGI/PLI key into a different lookup value. It is useful when the data has plain structure (not hierarchical), but it is less granular than line items.
Step 2: Call Lookup Library
Calling lookup library has not changed from the previous cookbook.
Step 3: Read Results
Reading results has not changed since the previous cookbook.