4. ValidFrom and ValidTo

4. ValidFrom and ValidTo


Step 0: Task

As data sanitation, I want to change my lookups to use lower and upper boundary for time filter. On algorithmical level, I need to know the following:

  • What is the upper boundary for targetDate for an entry to be valid?

Step 1: Prepare Lookup Configuration

Using data from Step 0, do the following to fulfill the "ValidFrom - ValidTo" requirement:

  • Set up "Custom Filter" which filters out all outdated entries.

  • Warn users if multiple entries are found for a given timeframe.

  • Theoretically, no sorting for this type of lookup is needed – only one entry is expected. However, for consistency between runs in Price Setting Package, we add “-validFrom” sorting anyway. It is up to users if they want this fallback mechanism or not.

We will go through these steps to produce a new custom filter. In Pricefx Studio Sandbox, put the following code:

api.jsonEncode( Filter.and( Filter.lessOrEqual("<<FIELD_NAME(ValidFromColumn)>>", "<<TARGET_DATE>>"), Filter.greaterThan("<<FIELD_NAME(ValidToColumn)>>", "<<TARGET_DATE>>") ) )

This will produce the below filter. Put that value as customFilter:

Then, we need to set up a warning in case more than one entry is in a specific time frame. LookupConfiguration supports multiple types of warnings:

  • Unexpected errors

  • Checking entries

  • Checking values

Let's ignore the last one and configure the first two. Inside ChecksConfig, let's put this data:


This is a JSON Map. Keys of this map are error codes, values are ENUMs. We defined that in case of:

  • Unexpected lookup error, throw an exception in a way that PSP does it.

  • More than 1 entry found, add a warning to PSP warning manager.



  • checksConfig – Defines behavior in case of corrupted data or incorrect lookup configuration.

Step 2: Call Lookup Library

Calling lookup library has not changed from the previous cookbook.

Step 3: Read Results

Reading results has not changed since the previous cookbook.