Customer Insights Dashboard 1.5


PFPCS-5128 Portfolio: Customer Summary portlet: Opportunity value sum all regardless Product Rank = Top/Worst

PFPCS-5107 Portfolio: Some portlets not show full list products when size list < Product rank bucket

PFPCS-4963 Portfolio: Selling Opportunity: fields order change per filter values

PFPCS-4811 [Customer Product Portfolio] - Missing product when Product Rank = Top

PFPCS-4809 [Portfolio]: Pricing Opportunity By Product Type Chart: not count Top/Worst list

PFPCS-4379 Trend L12M & Projection chart: missing two bars

PFPCS-4373 Inactive Customers portlet: still show customers which have transactions in time period

PFPCS-4310 Tooltips display incorrectly in some charts

PFPCS-4272 Portfolio: Customer Summary: Opportunity value always sum "all" regardless product rank selection

PFPCS-4266 [Portfolio Dashboard] Wrong data on Pricing Opportunity By Product Rank chart

PFPCS-4231 Portfolio: Opportunity values, Revenue Below target are incorrect when select Product Class/Health Score

PFPCS-4230 Global View: Opportunity values, Revenue Below target are incorrect when select customer Class/Health Score

PFPCS-4216 [Portfolio Dashboard] Wrong Pricing/Selling Opportunities on Customer Summary Portlet


PFPCS-5373 Customer Product Portfolio View: Pricing Opportunity By Product Type Chart and Pricing Opportunity By Product Attribute Chart - Update tooltip label

PFPCS-5372 Customer Product Portfolio View: Update tooltip label

PFPCS-5183 Detail View: add total volume into High Volume vs Low Volume Products portlet hint

PFPCS-4743 Detail View: Allow to override the mapped parameters with filters

PFPCS-4493 Allow drill-down in pie charts

PFPCS-4492 Allow columns sorting for all tables

PFPCS-4375 Update CustomerInsights.GlobalViewDashboardParameter and Global View Dashboard logic

PFPCS-4374 Update CustomerInsights.CommonDashboardParamater

PFPCS-4198 Dashboards order in label


PFPCS-5523 Add detailedDescription to steps.json mentioning that deploying SIP is mandatory

PFPCS-5442 Data tab in chart-based portlets

PFPCS-5427 Mixpanel tracking for CIP - dashboard view

PFPCS-4119 Core Customers/Products

PFPCS-4118 Inactive Customers

PFPCS-4117 Only Top, Worst or all the Customer/Products are displayed in dashboards


PFPCS-4566 Move duplicated functions for drilldown chart in 3 dashboard to Common in library

PFPCS-4557 [Global View] Allow drill-down in pie charts

PFPCS-4555 [Product Portfolio] Allow drill-down in pie charts

PFPCS-4214 Add new inputs on Customer Product Portfolio View dashboards

PFPCS-4213 Add new inputs on Customer Detail View dashboards

PFPCS-4212 Add new inputs on Customer Global View dashboards

PFPCS-4211 Add new process for Customer Core in Simulation

PFPCS-4210 Add new process for Product Core in Simulation

PFPCS-4124 Add new inputs on Customer Products Portfolio dashboards

PFPCS-4123 Add new inputs on Customer Global View dashboard

PFPCS-4122 Change Top/Worst Customers and Top/Worst Products


PFPCS-5617 Update Element Doc and Method docs for dashboard logics

PFPCS-5606 Hide warnings for all the portlets

PFPCS-5432 Detail View, Portfolio: Customer Input mandatory

PFPCS-5431 Deployment step: Add the text noting the importance of having SIP deployed first

PFPCS-5377 Should remove date string in logic folder name

PFPCS-5206 Update document about new object in CID as: Datasource "CI Customer Insight" and CF

PFPCS-4960 Global View: Pricing Opportunity - incorrect KPI label

PFPCS-4607 Update return structure function of CustomerSegmentUtils.getCustomerSegment()

PFPCS-4599 [Global View Dashboard] Update Inactive Customers Portlet

PFPCS-4598 Add CF logic to handle dataload and simulation schedule

PFPCS-4585 CI_CustomerClassification DS

PFPCS-4569 Update Map keys in CustomerInsight.Configuration to camelCase

PFPCS-4275 [CID] Logic to get Top and Worst list with bucket to show on tables

PFPCS-4199 Reformat all code