Customer Insights Dashboard 1.6

Incompatibility with 1.5.0

Due to changes in PFPCS-5933 the Simulation object created in 1.5.0 will not be supported in this version. The main functionality is kept unchanged.

Upgrade Notes

Due to PFPCS-5933 there are several changes that need to happen during upgrade from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0. The changes are:

Note: Objects contents are available here:

  • Add:

    • Data Source:

      • CI_AggregatedData

  • Logics:

    • CustomerInsights_DL_Aggregation (Data Load logic)

    • Data Load:

      • DMDS.CI_AggregatedData

  • Update:

    • Content of Advanced Configuration named “customer-insights-accelerator”

    • Logics:

      • CustomerInsights (Groovy library)

      • CustomerInsights_CF_Sequencer (CF logic)

      • CustomerInsights_DS_CustomerClassification (Data Load logic)

      • CustomerInsights_GlobalView (dashboard logic)

      • CustomerInsights_CustomerDetails (dashboard logic)

      • CustomerInsights_CustomerProductPortfolio (dashboard logic)

  • Remove:

    • Simulation: CustomerInsights

    • Logic: CustomerInsights_Aggregation_Sim



PFPCS-6308 Detail view: Customer summary portlet: displaying incorrectly

PFPCS-6294 Error when select filters of class

PFPCS-6274 Fix performance issue for Customer Product Portfolio dashboard

PFPCS-6254 Wrong field name of Data Source CI_AggregatedData

Change Requests

PFPCS-5933 Replace Simulation with another data source


PFPCS-6313 [Detail Dashboard] refactor using to pass value to elements

PFPCS-6269 [Customer Product Portfolio] Update logics to make dashboard Customer Product Portfolio work with new data source

PFPCS-6268 [Customer Detail] Update logics to make dashboard Customer Detail View work with new data source

PFPCS-6184 Change/Update Calculation Flow to work with new Data Source

PFPCS-6183 [Customer Global] Update logic to make dashboard Customer Global work with new data source

PFPCS-6182 Update package-definition

PFPCS-6181 Update Simulation logic to data load logic

PFPCS-6138 Investigate Solution Change Simulation to Data Source using Data Load logic

PFPCS-4564 [Portfolio Dashboard] refactor using to pass value to elements

PFPCS-4563 [Global View Dashboard] refactor using to pass value to elements


PFPCS-6271 Update logic CustomerInsights_DimensionFilter_Configurator based on new structure of Configuration

PFPCS-6265 Update DS Customer Classification logic to match with new structure Configuration

PFPCS-6251 Update structure of Configuration

PFPCS-4560 [Dashboard] refactor using to pass value to elements