Strategy Selection Lookup

The StrategySelection table defines order of strategies used for a certain Product Segment.

When exceptions / overrides / base strategies are used, they will be used before the strategies defined here.




All default values are empty.

  • Product Segment attributes


All default values are empty.

  • Price Strategy #1

  • Price Strategy #2

  • Price Strategy #3

  • Price Strategy #4

  • Price Strategy #5

  • Price Strategy #6

  • Price Strategy #7

  • Price Strategy #8

  • Price Strategy #9

  • Price Strategy #10

  • Price Strategy #11

  • Price Strategy #12

  • Price Strategy #13

  • Price Strategy #14

  • Price Strategy #15

  • Reverse Calculation Order – It defines if the calculation should be done from bottom to top, instead of the default top to bottom. This is only a technical change, important if you are utilizing the ENGINE_RESULTS parameter, which contains the result of all previous calculations.

  • Prioritize Parent Level Price – It defines if a price coming from the master Dependency Level should be placed before the strategies defined here or after them. This setting is relevant only for Dependent price list/grid.

    • Default value is empty (= false).

  • Stop After First Price Found

    • Default value is empty (= false).