Price Increase Lookup

The out-of-the-box pricing strategy Price Increase needs to store the “increase” value. This table stores such “increase” value in the form of percent or money value.

Whether the percentage or money value are used depends on the additional configuration of the Price Increase strategy.

The value of “increase” can be configured for a combination of:

  • Pricing Level – given by the table name

  • Product Segment – set up as values of the keys

Example of PriceIncrease table

Table Name

  • {nameOfDependency}PriceIncrease

  • PriceIncrease – used as a fallback if no related records are found in the relevant {nameOfDependency}PriceIncrease tables


All default values are empty.

  • Product Segment attributes


All default values are empty.

  • Plus %

  • Plus Absolute