How to Create a Datamart

How to Create a Datamart


Datamarts are specialized internal data tables that aggregate transactional information from various sources, primarily used for analytics like dashboards and charts. They enable efficient queries, price setting, chart creation, and pricing optimization across combined datasets.

The key benefits of using datamarts compared to raw source data include improved performance through optimized queries and reduced computational load on primary data sources. Datamarts also provide data consistency and quality by standardizing and cleaning data from different sources, ensuring reliability. They simplify data access by presenting information in a user-friendly format tailored to specific business needs, making it easier for non-technical users to analyze data. Enhanced analytical capabilities are another advantage, as datamarts often contain pre-aggregated data, speeding up analytical processes and enabling faster insights.

All our how-to guides and video tutorials contain screenshot of our demo system and the information that you see will differ depending on your organizational configuration and the version of Pricefx software that you are running.

How to Create a Datamart

To create a new datamart, go to the main menu. Click on the Analytics > Data Manager > Datamarts. This will display a list of existing data marts.

  1. To add and create a new data mart, click on Add Datamart icon. This is located in the top-right corner.

Datamarts Home Screen
  1. In the new dialog window, provide a Name and Label.

  2. Click on the blue Add Datamart icon in the bottom-right.

New Datamart Dialogue Window

The system will display a confirmation message in green that the data mart has been successfully added. Now you can click on your new datamart.

  1. To proceed you must select a Source from the drop-down menu available on the left-hand side of the dialogue window. You will be prompted by the system to confirm whether you wish to proceed.

  2. Click on the blue Confirm button in the bottom-right corner of the notification.

After making your selections, the key field(s) will be displayed. On the left side, under the Field Picker section, you'll find the available source fields to choose for your datamart.

You can integrate fields from various data sources; ensure you are selecting the appropriate field from the correct source.


Choose the desired field from the first data source using the provided selection method, either Customer Id or Product Id. Select the relevant field from the same or another data source.
Use the Add Fields option to add the selected fields to your data mart, available in the black ribbon at the bottom.

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