Overview Dashboards

Overview Dashboards

Good to know: Check out the latest information, including releases on Dashboards here.

Purpose of Dashboards

A dashboard is a type of graphical user interface that often provides at-a-glance views of key performance indicators relevant to a particular objective or business process.

Dashboards present a combination of several charts, typically used to give an overview of a business process.

The purpose of a dashboard is to provide real-time results by aggregating and extracting value from all the data collected.

For example, an executive dashboard enables CEOs to see revenue/profit balances, top five customers/products, business process approvals, company performance, and KPIs (key performance indicators). An operational dashboard enables Managers to see operations/sales performance, new business opportunities, and critical business areas to take into consideration.

Use/Change Dashboards

Pricefx offers a large selection of predefined dashboards with key business information, that you can modify however your business requires.

You can also create your customized dashboard from scratch.

By selecting specific logic, the dashboard will provide different predefined charts, depending on the type of information you want to display.

A dashboard contains different charts, called portlets, and they can be reorganized, resized, and saved as default or as a preference, by clicking/dragging them around the screen.

You can also export the charts and tables from the dashboard to Excel or pdf files for further analysis.

The displayed information can be modified using different filter options as well.

Using Accelerators in Dashboards

Pricefx accelerators are a set of tools that you can use to set up and start running the Dashboard faster. There are two accelerators for Dashboards that are deployed for Sales and Customer Insights, and you can use them to upload, maintain and analyze your data easier and faster.

The accelerators helps to improve the use of specific functionality, for more efficient implementations and eaiser solutions configuration.

Typical Business Applications 

The Accelerate Sales Insights Package contains a set of Dashboards to analyze products and customers profitability and margin leakages:

  • Revenue & Margin - analyze the relationship between revenue/margin % from different perspectives

  • Outliers - analyze the best/worst-performing products and customers

  • Waterfall - displays waterfall analysis with grouped adjustments

  • Waterfall Comparison - compare waterfall analysis per period, product and customer

  • Revenue Breakdown - displays the reasons for the difference in revenue between two selected periods

  • Margin Breakdown - displays the reasons for the difference in margin between two selected periods

  • Regional Revenue & Margin - displays KPIs in a world or continental map

The Accelerate Customer Insights Package contains actionable analytics for sales and pricing:

  • Customer Global View

  • Customer Details View

  • Customer Products Portfolio

  • KPIs

    • Customer & product health score

    • Revenue, margin, and volume trend

    • Pricing and selling opportunity

To see more Dashboards information, check our video tutorials for Dashboards.

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