Import Manager
Import Manger is being gradually introduced as a replacement of Excel Client. It enables modifying data in the Pricefx user interface after uploading an Excel file that has been previously downloaded from Pricefx and modified by the user. Further modifications can be done in Pricefx. An overview of changes and their validation is provided.
In the 14.0 version, only Products and Product Extensions are supported by Import Manager.
Exporting and Importing a Table in Import Manager
Follow these steps to import data to Products or Product Extensions using Import Manager:
Export the table that you want to edit. There are two ways to do it:
Click Export > Export Excel, select the option For using with Import Manager and click Download. The downloaded file will include all the table data (filtered if an advanced filter is applied).
Click Import Products and select one of the available templates:
Adjust existing data template – Downloads an Excel sheet with the data (filtered if an advanced filter is applied).
Add new data template – Downloads an Excel sheet without data, only with the table columns.
Edit the downloaded file as needed.
Go to Import Products and browse for or drag and drop your edited file (the maximum allowed file size is 1 GB).
The Import Manager page opens, providing the overview of changes in the data and validation errors.
After you have reviewed the changes and corrected the errors, click Import to finish the data import process.
Import Manager List Page
On the list page, you will find the current and past imports that have been done using the Import Manager allowing you to review and track past changes or follow up on drafts.
To access the Import Manager list page, go to Master Data > Imports.
The list page is split into two tabs:
My Imports – Lists all imports done by you (the currently logged in user).
All Imports – Lists all other imports that you are entitled to access.
Imports do not stay in the list table forever but are automatically deleted after a certain period of inactivity. Imports in the Draft or Error status are deleted after 7 days, objects in the Finished status after 30 days. Both thresholds are configurable in the cluster config.xml but the maximum accepted value is 365 days.
Import Manager Detail Page
When you click on the list page on the name or label of an import, the detail page opens.
The header of the page indicates where the data is imported and displays a counter of item types/statuses which also serves as a filter when you click on it.
The table contains all the imported data and you can edit, add and delete rows as required.
If necessary, you may re-upload the Excel file (Upload new file) and discard all the changes that you have made in Import Manager after the original upload.
When importing Product Extensions, you are not allowed to in-line edit business keys because it could cause unexpected behavior. You can, however, enter values for ProductID and other business keys for newly added Product or Product Extension rows.
The Import button is disabled if the imported Product Extensions table has no business keys defined.
If the imported file contains duplicate business keys, the import will fail.
Importing a very large amount of data on AWS instances can result in a timeout that is hardcoded to 3 minutes.
A manage-level user role is required for import and all other actions in Import Manager. View-level user role is required to see the Import details.
Import Dialog
For Company Parameters, Customer Extensions and Seller Extensions, Import Manager is not available yet. Exporting data to XLSX or CSV and importing it back to Pricefx is done using an import dialog.
For details see How to Import Company Parameters.
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Pricefx version 14.0