

The Sellers page is a saved list of sellers that can be used in the Sales Compensation Accelerator or in the Sales Compensation module when you need to administrate and calculate commissions or incentives paid periodically to sales agents or partners.

Create New Seller

  1. Go to Master Data > Sellers.

  2. Click Add Seller.

  3. Enter values in the required fields SellerID and Seller Name.

  4. Optionally, enter other data related to the seller.

  5. You can also select user groups whose members will have the right to view/edit this seller.

  6. Click Add.

For an existing seller you can define up to 30 attributes (14 are predefined but can be renamed) that will store all the necessary information on the seller.

Editing Options

The available options are:

  • Add

  • Delete

  • Edit

  • Duplicate

  • Mass edit all, filtered or selected sellers. Select the Attribute (column), the Change (operator) and the Value which will be applied.

  • Mass delete all, filtered or selected sellers.

  • Export the list of sellers into an Excel file.

  • Advanced filter to narrow down the list of sellers (for details see Filtering).

Sellers in Sales Compensation

To be able to pay sales compensations to sellers, you must select a seller name when creating a Compensation Plan. The seller / seller group picker is not available in Compensation Plans by default but must be added to the Header tab using the Compensation Plans header logic where the admin can also define a filter that displays only a selection of sellers.

The selected seller will then be visible in the following places, allowing you to filter out only Compensation Plans or Records associated with a specific seller:

  • Compensation Plan list table (Seller Name column),

  • Compensation Plan detail (Input Parameters panel on the Items tab),

  • Compensation Records (Seller Name column in the RR list table and in the RR detail),

  • Compensation Calculations (on the Compensation Records tab).

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Pricefx version 14.0