Agreements & Promotions Actions
The following actions are available for Agreements/Promotions, depending on their status or whether you are viewing the Agreement/Promotion list or detail:
Create a New Agreement/Promotion.
Edit an existing Agreement/Promotion.
Duplicate – Creates a new Agreements/Promotions with the same data and saved filters (which is not linked to the original Agreement/Promotion; unlike a revision).
Create new revision – Creates a new Agreement/Promotion with the same data and saved filters and keeps its link to the original version. Available for approved Agreements/Promotions.
You can customize the name of the new revision by adding a string of your choice between the Agreements/Promotions unique name and the revision number. Use the advanced configuration option "contractRevisionFormat" with the value "$uniqueName$your_string$revId$". The allowed characters in the string are alphanumeric characters (including unicode characters like umlauts, Cyrillic or traditional Chinese and -<>_.!~*[]' characters). The default is $uniqueName$-REV-$revId$.Revoke Agreement/Promotion – Invalidates the Agreement/Promotion; its status changes to 'Revoked'. The Agreements & Promotions Admin user role is required.
Recalculate – Recalculates the whole Agreements/Promotions. The icon on the button indicates that changes have been made that require recalculation to update the displayed calculation results. The Agreement/Promotion is locked for you and other users for editing while the recalculation is running. You will also be notified and see the Agreement/Promotion as locked if you attempt to edit the Agreement/Promotion that is currently being recalculated by some other user.
Start CW – Initializes a document creation workflow.
Attachments – Add and view attached files.
Export – Exports the Agreement/Promotion content to the respective file format. Note that a publishing template must be configured beforehand.
The available file formats are: XLSX, PDF, and DOCX.Move to – Moves the selected Agreement/Promotion to a different folder in the Categories tree.
Email Agreement/Promotion – Exports and emails an approved Agreements/Promotions. You can send it to another user as an ordinary email attachment or via an electronic signature system for signoff. For both options an export template must be defined and the e-signature option must be configured by administrator.
After sending via an e-signature system, you can check the Signature Status in the document's Header Info.Assign Opportunity/Account – Enables you to search for existing Opportunities/Accounts in a CRM application and link the Agreement/Promotion to it.
Submit – Submits the draft Agreement/Promotion for approval. If enabled, you can add a comment. For details on how the document status changes in relation to the workflow, see Workflow Life Cycle.
Save the Agreement/Promotion manually (in detail view) if autosaving is disabled.
Delete one or more Agreements/Promotions.
Action buttons can be dynamically hidden using the JSON configuration of Agreement & Promotion Types. See How to Hide Quote Buttons for details - the options are the same as for Quotes.
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Pricefx version 14.0