Product Detail View

Product Detail View

The Product Detail View screen (used in Products, Live Price Grids, Price Lists, Manual Price Lists and Simulations) shows details of the selected product(s).

When you open the Product Detail View from a document, the Products list on the left-hand side always shows all products that the document contains (not only the product that you clicked on).

The top part of the Product Detail panel displays all the columns and their values for the selected product (table view preferences are applied).

The empty canvas below is fully customizable – you can add as many portlets as you wish, you can resize them and change their position. If there are many portlets on the canvas, making the content difficult to read, you can open a portlet in a pop-up window by clicking the Expand IconExpand.png icon. Table layout changes in portlets can be saved as a preference.

The default portlets are:

  • BoM – The bill of materials for the selected product.

  • Competition Data – The competition data for the selected product.

  • Comment History – All the comments that have been made in relation to the product in Price Lists, LPGs or Simulations. Comment history must be enabled in Configuration. Deleting a comment in this portlet does not remove the comment from the parent entity.

  • Price Calculation – Select any pricing logic and target date to see what effect it will have on the product's results. Enter the required inputs and click Calculate. Check the results in the table at the bottom of the portlet.

  • Product Text – A text box for additional information on the product.

  • Product Image – Possibility to upload (or remove) a product image. This image will also be displayed (as a thumbnail) in Quote, Price List and Live Price Grid line items when you add this product to the document. It is displayed only in the simple table view provided that the showProductImages (for Quotes) or showProductImagesInPriceBuilder (for Price Lists / LPGs) feature flag is enabled.

  • Product References – Product references for the selected product.

  • Prices – A list of all Price Lists and Live Price Grids where the product is used.

  • Products – The complete product's data from the Product master.

  • Change Requests – The list of Data Change requests involving the selected product.

  • Price Records – A list of Price Records associated with the product.

You can also add your own portlet representing:

  • All Product Extensions – Any PX table you create can be used as a portlet.

  • Additional charts/tables based on Datamart – Defined in Product Query Chart Definition.

  • Additional calculations – Defined in Product Detail Logics.
    For example, if you have a large amount of data for one product, you may want allow your end users to view just some of this data and grouped according to their needs. Using a portlet, this can be done dynamically and without the need to duplicate the data in a PX column in a certain structure (which leads to an integration overhead for a "just in case" scenario). The solution is to configure a Product Detail Logic that gathers the data and formats it in a result matrix. It is basically a logic-driven mini dashboard inside the Product Details View. The logic gets the SKU context and is re-executed when the user changes the SKU in the left navigation list.

Comparing Different Products

If you want to see the data for different products side by side for easy comparison, you can use the 'comparison mode'.

  1. Add two or more portlets of the same type to the canvas.

  2. Click the Toggle comparison mode button in the upper right-hand side corner of the portlet.

  3. A drop-down list with products appears. Select the desired product.

  4. Repeat these steps for all the added portlets.

  5. Visually compare the displayed data.

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Pricefx version 14.0