How can I determine which products are visible to a user?

How can I determine which products are visible to a user?


When I create a Quote, I can see only a limited set of products. Which settings in Pricefx should I check?


There are several places where you can check the settings:

  • Records in Product/Customer master can have limitations in "User Group (Details View)" or "User Group (Edit)" and you are neither directly assigned to the user group, nor are you assigned to any business role that is assigned to the required user group.

  • Product/Customer Extensions, Price Parameters can have limitations in "User Group (Details View)" or "User Group (Edit)" and you are neither directly assigned to the user group, nor are you assigned to any business role that is assigned to the required user group.

  • You are neither assigned to any business role with assignment to the required (user) role, nor you have a direct assignment to the required (user) role.

  • Check user Product filters:

    • In User Admin, you can choose products (and customers) that will be available to the user.

      1. Go to Administration > Access Admin > User Admin.

      2. If there is a link called Edit Filter in the Product Filter column, then there is a product filter set. When creating a new Quote or Price List, you can see only products returned by the filter.

    • In Administration > Logics > Filter Logics > Quotes Product, there can be one or more logics defined that will narrow down the list of products available to you when creating a Quote.

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