How to Add Enable Integration to the Module Menu

How to Add Enable Integration to the Module Menu

You can add a link to the Enable Rebate Management in the Module menu. The link is configured in Advanced Configuration Options.


Configure Menu Link

Menu items (links) can be inserted into existing root-level folders (e.g., Quotes, Rebates, etc.) or placed in a root-level, creating a new root-level menu item/folder.

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Advanced Configuration Options.

  2. Click the Add button to open the Add Option dialog.

  3. In the Name field, specify the name of the option. It has to be pfxExternalApp_customMenuItems.

  4. In the Value field, specify the definition of the link (see How to Add Enable Integration to the Module Menu | Example of Custom Menu Items JSON Definition below).

  5. Click Add to save changes and close the dialog.

Example of Custom Menu Items JSON Definition

{ "first": { "label": "First", "insertBefore": "dashboards", "items": { "item1": { "label": "item 1", "href": "https://organizations.enable.com/organization/pricefx-x-enable", "type": "enable" } } }, "enable-rebates": { "label": "Enable Rebates", "insertAfter": "rebate-manager", "items": { "Dashboard": { "label": "Dashboard", "href": "https://dev-uk.deal-track.com/Client/pfx-int-dev-2/Sso/Saml2/SignIn?ReturnUrl=%2FClient%2Fpfx-int-dev-2%2FDashboard", "type": "enable" }, "tradingPrograms": { "label": "Trading Programs", "href": "https://dev-uk.deal-track.com/Client/pfx-int-dev-2/Sso/Saml2/SignIn?ReturnUrl=%2FClient%2Fpfx-int-dev-2%2Ftrading-programs-list", "type": "enable", "allowedBusinessRoles": [ "enable" ] }, "programEarnings": { "label": "Program Earnings", "href": "https://dev-uk.deal-track.com/Client/pfx-int-dev-2/Sso/Saml2/SignIn?ReturnUrl=%2FClient%2Fpfx-int-dev-2%2FReports%2FDealEarnings", "type": "enable", "allowedBusinessRoles": [ "enable" ] }, "creditorsReport": { "label": "Finance - Creditors Report", "href": "https://dev-uk.deal-track.com/Client/pfx-int-dev-2/Sso/Saml2/SignIn?ReturnUrl=%2FClient%2Fpfx-int-dev-2%2FCash%2FCreditorsReport", "type": "enable", "allowedBusinessRoles": [ "enable" ] } } }, "second": { "label": "Second", "insertAfter": "enable-rebates", "items": { "item2": { "label": "Folder", "href": "https://organizations.enable.com/organization/pricefx-x-enable", "type": "enable", "items": { "subItem1": { "label": "Sub Item 1", "href": "https://organizations.enable.com/organization/pricefx-x-enable/subitem1", "type": "enable" } } } } } }

If the specified folder already exists, the item will be inserted into it, otherwise, a new folder will be created.

The JSON configuration of the menu items (above) is reflected in the Pricefx module menu:


Root-level folders do not have permission sets. So, if a user does not have permission to view certain root-level folders but has access to a custom item within that root-level folder, they will only see the custom menu item in that folder.

Available Advanced Configuration Option Properties






Defines the label for folders and items.


Specifies the position of a menu item in the Module menu, placing it before the item specified in this property.


Specifies the position of a menu item in the Module menu, placing it after the item specified in this property.


Defines the list of menu items in a folder. Can also be used to create sub-folders.


Defines the actual URL for the Enable Rebate Management.


Restricts access to the menu item to users with the specified business roles.


Defines the type of a menu item and determines the icon used for it.

Default Value: Enable

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