How to Format Emails via api.sendEmail

How to Format Emails via api.sendEmail

The sendEmail function requires three string parameters: the recipient's email address, the subject of the email, and the message of the email. 

sendEmail(String to, String subject, String message)

The email can be formatted via HTML tags and can contain Groovy variables.

def user = quote.createdByName
def u = api.find("U", Filter.equal("loginName", user))
def email = u.email[0]

def url = "https://qa.pricefx.eu/priceFxWeb.html?targetPage=priceShopPage&targetPageState=" + quote.typedId + ""
api.sendEmail(email, "Pricefx Quote - " + customerName + " - " + vendorPart + "", "" + customerName + " ordered " + vendorPart + " at quantity of " + actualQuantity.toInteger() + ". This is below committed quantity of " + quotedQuantity + " with tolerance. " + "<br><br>" + "<a href=" + url + ">View Quote</a>")

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