How to Translate Tab Labels in Dynamic Tabs

How to Translate Tab Labels in Dynamic Tabs

Available from 9.2

You can define translations for tab/step labels in Quotes, Rebate Agreements and Custom Forms. The setting is done in the JSON definition that is part of the predefined document template (Quote Type, Rebate Agreement Type, Custom Form Type).

Add the following code snippet to the tab/step definition:

"labelTranslations" : { "" : "Default label", "en" : "English label", "de" : "German label"},

It must always contain the default label with an empty locale (““).

The translated label will be displayed in the corresponding language version of the user interface.


In this example we specify two language versions for the Notes tab:

{ "name": "default", "tabs": [ { "icon": "clipboard-notes", "name": "notes", "type": "notes", "labelTranslations": { "": "Notes", "de": "Notizen", "pl": "Notatki" } }, ...


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