IntegrationManager 3.6.0

IntegrationManager 3.6.0

This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the Pricefx IntegrationManager release version.

Release dateOct 24, 2022

In this section:

Migration Steps

None needed.


New Feature DescriptionID
The method for streaming Excel files (StreamingUnmarshal) has been added to the pfx-excel component.PFIMCORE-463
Import method for Data Uploads has been allowed.PFIMCORE-1093
Seller Extensions table is now available in Data Loads.PFIMCORE-1238
Support for other file charsets has been added to the Data Load process.PFIMCORE-1243
Scrapings output are now analyzed and the result is sent to PlatformManager.PFIMCORE-1245
Added possibility to load Kamelets definitions at IM startup.PFIMCORE-1248
Data Loads now use common Kamelet on completion.PFIMCORE-1249
There is a new endpoint that fetches current sizing for all environments in a single repository.PFIMCORE-1252

Fixed Issues

Bug DescriptionID
There are missing row numbers in the Failed Records statement for Data Loads.PFIMCORE-1209
Error aggregation throws NullPointerException.PFIMCORE-1251
Data upload in PlatformManager does not receive responses.PFIMCORE-1262
IM-dataload-workers data load does not send information about failedRecordCount when using the Import method.PFIMCORE-1264

IntegrationManager version 6.0.0