IntegrationManager 3.1.0
IntegrationManager 3.1.0
In this section:
Migration Steps
None needed.
New Feature Description | ID |
ELK entry for an invalid record has been extended with additional information. | PFIMCORE-867 |
It is possible now to fetch multiple PriceGrid/PriceList items directly from the database (without specifying their PriceGridID/PriceListID). Example: <toD uri="pfx-api:fetch?connection=pricefx&typedId=184.PGI"/> | PFIMCORE-1010 |
There is now a list of allowed extensions for resources defined via the property 'integration.resources.extensions.allowed'. | PFIMCORE-1012 |
There is now an option to set a connection to be used in web services via the property integration.webservices.connection, the default value is 'pricefx'. | PFIMCORE-1019 |
The Events module allows now to define a connection other than the hardcoded 'pricefx'. | PFIMCORE-1020 |
There is a new Kafka message. Topic: im-git-events. Event type: IM_GIT_SERVER_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVED. Payload: net.pricefx.integration.api.imgit.im.dto.RepositoryArchivedDTO where repositoryName is the name of the repository which was archived. Created client method repositoryDeleteAsync() which requires 'project' and 'env' set in the client and performs hard delete of the repository. | PFIMCORE-1025 |
Build pipeline has been fixed: the package-app job will no longer install into a local maven repository. | PFIMCORE-1031 |
IM objects (conn, route, ...) repository files are now sanitized and correctly loaded into IM. Requirement condition: filename equals sanitized id of the object. E.g. file my_route.xml contains route with id my:route. | PFIMCORE-1033 |
Support for Seller Extensions has been added to IM - Dataloads. | PFIMCORE-1052 |
Added permitted class: GenericFileFilter. | PFIMCORE-1068 |
Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
JoinFields are not part of the request when using the loadData method for MLTV objects and setting BusinessKeys. | PFIMCORE-966 |
Property file in Git repository does not work. | PFIMCORE-999 |
Property files visible in PlatformManager are not deployed to integration. | PFIMCORE-1018 |
Missing validation on route: it should not be possible to deploy two routes with same ID or two routes with the same 'from' section. | PFIMCORE-1021 |
integration.data defaults to 'data' which does not work correctly. | PFIMCORE-1023 |
Order of loading beans prevented usage of connection in a route in AWS local solution. | PFIMCORE-1026 |
Error handling recipient is now the creator of the integration. This is set via storage of the properties into properties file. Props: integration.route-error-handling.enableSendingMail=true, integration.route-error-handling.mailTo = user@user.com | PFIMCORE-1027 |
Mapper with a different file name than ID of the mapper cannot be stored. This was confirmed as a intended behavior: you must name the file by the ID (sanitized), otherwise the content would not be loaded. Example: Mapper ID "pfx:myMapper" must be in a file "pfx_myMapper". | PFIMCORE-1028 |
Connections cannot be retrieved via REST API due to an error "500 Internal Server Error". | PFIMCORE-1039 |
Property integration.route-error-handling.email.mailTo is not propagated to EventDrivenAutoConfiguration for sending startup-event message when using environments properties. | PFIMCORE-1042 |
Class and Connection serializations fail, returning 500. | PFIMCORE-1044 |
IM versions lower than 3.0.0 do not support extended info. | PFIMCORE-1046 |
When the route is stopped, the instance is restarted. | PFIMCORE-1057 |
It is not possible to delete an object with unsanitized name. | PFIMCORE-1058 |
LPG import fails due to invalid mapping on the partition version 7.5.2. | PFIMCORE-1059 |
Certificates cannot be loaded in AWS instances. | PFIMCORE-1060 |
Mapper name is missing in 2.0-3.0 IMs extended view. | PFIMCORE-1063 |
Mapper cannot be deployed to IM due to wrong validation. | PFIMCORE-1064 |
It is not possible to select connection for events. | PFIMCORE-1065 |
Route with errors is deployed as "200 OK" instead of throwing a validation error. | PFIMCORE-1066 |
Filter cannot be serialized. | PFIMCORE-1067 |
Git sync fails when merging dev into qa. | PFIMCORE-1069 |
Class after deletion still remains in extendedInfo. | PFIMCORE-1070 |
IntegrationManager version 6.0.0