IntegrationManager 3.2.0

IntegrationManager 3.2.0

This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the Pricefx IntegrationManager release version.

Release dateMay 23, 2022

In this section:

Migration Steps

None needed.


New Feature DescriptionID
The scheduler-delay of event fetching is now set to 60 s.PFIMCORE-528
IM client has now more intelligent API versioning, so you can achieve the same functionality with less code.PFIMCORE-830
It is possible now to invoke a route with headers and properties.PFIMCORE-903
In case of a mapper conversion error, there is now maximum (10) errors where an exception is logged. PFIMCORE-974
Support for using S3 storage for Data Uploads has been added to IntegrationManager.PFIMCORE-1032
When IM is updated and its tag is sent as a version (e.g. v3.1.0), im-git-service automatically trims the irrelevant parts and converts it to a usable version.PFIMCORE-1077
git-server now resolves the IM version 'develop' via Maven metadata.PFIMCORE-1083
Partition definition via properties is now optional.PFIMCORE-1086
Support of special chars in passwords has been added for Data Loads using S3 storage.PFIMCORE-1089
Nonstandard routes and mappers (multiple in a single file) are now marked as nonStandard=true.PFIMCORE-1091
S3Client has been added as a credentials provider for Data Load using S3 storage.PFIMCORE-1095
There is now a decrypt endpoint for encrypted connection fields.PFIMCORE-1104
Backup job has been rewritten to Kotlin.PFIMCORE-1105
Property pathStyleAccessEnabled has been added to S3Client in IM.PFIMCORE-1119
Internal routes are no longer visible in PlatformManager.PFIMCORE-1120

Fixed Issues

Bug DescriptionID
Instance cannot start due to a migration step that was not applied.PFIMCORE-1074
Route with a correct definition of the "from" section is validated as incorrect.PFIMCORE-1076
There are missing routes, mappers and other objects in IM versions lower than 2.0.PFIMCORE-1078
IM fails when adding a new route from PlatformManager.PFIMCORE-1079
It is not possible to add a route or resource to AWS IM.PFIMCORE-1098
Fetching all filters from IM fails due to a different structure.PFIMCORE-1103
It is not possible connect to a common webservice on AWS due to issues with port. After the fix, IM uses 8081 as the webservices port for AWS provisioned instances. PFIMCORE-1108
The charset detector in IM does not support a byte array for detecting charset.PFIMCORE-1110
It is not possible to change profile properties - it returns unexpected results.PFIMCORE-1115
There is a wrong property in the profile property file, thus emails are not sent.PFIMCORE-1118

IntegrationManager version 6.0.0