IntegrationManager 3.7.0 LTS
This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the Pricefx IntegrationManager release version.
Release date | Nov 22, 2022 |
In this section:
Migration Steps
None needed.
New Feature Description | ID |
To inform you about important migration steps, auto-upgrade now offers changelogs from Jira tickets that have the breakingChange label. Scripts have been moved to the bucket im-instance-data. | PFIMCORE-1172 |
Seamless upgrade now supports detection of integration issues, such as a deprecated property, wrong class, wrong parameter, etc. | PFIMCORE-1178 |
Auto-upgrades now correctly create, merge, and delete staging environments. | PFIMCORE-1192 |
Auto-upgrade now sends progress information. | PFIMCORE-1198 |
File size is now sent to stats_api logs to be able report and monitor processed data volume per partition. | PFIMCORE-1284 |
Services related to IntegrationManager have been moved to im/services group. | PFIMCORE-1294 |
Upgrade tool now contains an interim step to manually change the repo. Also the merge request is now mergeable as it contains only a change in data. | PFIMCORE-1296 |
Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
Data load using the pfx-api:import component can cause out of memory issue for large files. | PFIMCORE-1237 |
The component pfx-api:import fails when it is used by Integration Templates. | PFIMCORE-1271 |
Hot Fixes
Bug Description | ID |
Use new tagged deployment 4.0.0 for sftp-migration. | PFIMCORE-1324 |
Bug Description | ID |
REST Module requires pricefx connection defined via properties. | PFIMCORE-1327 |
Bug Description | ID |
Improve dataload kamelets. | PFIMCORE-1319 |
Dataload: use streaming for Excel files processing. | PFIMCORE-1308 |
Data Upload of XLSX file fails. | PFIMCORE-1270 |
Bug Description | ID |
GCP: Set Content-Length header to 0 when the method is POST but body null. | PFIMCORE-1436 |
IntegrationManager version 6.0.0