Data Harmony

Data Harmony

Series of questions to identify the level of data harmonization and synchronization within an organization. The higher this value, then the greater the data maturity.







Data Harmonization


  • Can you provide a short description of the harmony in the organization?

  • Would you describe it as Above Average, Average, Below Average, or Poor?

  • Is harmonization on critical data deemed important?

  • Who drives data harmony building in the organization?



  • How would you describe the process for building harmony in the organization?

  • Is it driven top-down or bottom-up? Advantages & Disadvantages of the approach?

  • How has this concept been embraced by the organization? If not, why?

  • How are disagreements resolved?

  • How do we trace and fix data harmony problems?



  • Is enterprise harmony on critical aspects of the business important?

  • Where and when is it deemed unimportant?

  • In what areas does the organization deem data harmony important?

  • Who is driving data harmony in the organization?

Data Synchronization


  • Does synchronization of critical data across the organization exist? How do we know?

  • How many different systems are being synchronized?

  • Does this synchronization process consolidate data from critical systems?

  • Does the result of synchronization provide a complete picture of the organization’s data? Or only a partial?

  • If partial, then which critical business data is represented? Which isn’t?

  • Is customer, product, and pricing included??



  • Who owns these data glossaries? Multiple owners?

  • Who maintains them? Updated regularly?

  • How is their ownership established? Is it recognized by others?



  • What are the steps in their creation?

  • How many people are involved? Departments?

  • What does the approval process look like? How many steps?

  • How are any disagreements resolved?

Data Trust


  • How would you describe your organization's trust in your data for decision-making?

  • Would you describe it as Above Average, Average, Below Average, or Poor?

  • § Is trustworthiness on critical data deemed important?



  • Who drives data trust creation in the organization?

  • How would you describe the process for building trusted data in the organization?

  • Is it driven top-down or bottom-up? Advantages & Disadvantages of the approach?

  • How has this concept been embraced by the organization? If not, why?

  • If data trust is missing, is there a plan to develop trustworthiness?

  • How can data trustworthiness be measured? How is it measured?



  • Is enterprise data trustworthiness on critical data of the business important?

  • Where and when is it deemed unimportant?

  • In what areas does the organization deem data harmony



  • Who owns this process?

  • Is it singular or multiple owners?

  • Who is responsible for maintaining this process?

  • Who is responsible for validation with data consumers?

  • What benchmark measure we would like to achieve?

  • How is feedback provided on this to ownership?

Enterprise Data Migration


  • Are their migration process that integrates across multiple critical systems

  • How would you describe your organization's enterprise-level data migration efforts?

  • Would you describe it as Above Average, Average, Below Average, or Poor?

  • Is enterprise-level data integration on critical data deemed important?

  • Who drives this effort in the organization?



  • Who owns this enterprise-level process?

  • Is it singular or multiple owners?

  • Who is responsible for maintaining this enterprise-level process?

  • How does the owner gain access to enterprise data? Who approves access?

  • Can access to enterprise data be denied to this owner?

  • Who is responsible for validation?

  • Who provides access to it to the organization?



  • How would you describe your processes for building enterprise-level data integration in the organization?

  • Is it driven top-down or bottom-up? Advantages & Disadvantages of the approach?

  • How has this concept been embraced by the organization? If not, why?

  • If this level of integration is missing, is there a plan to develop it? Timeframe?

  • How can the accuracy of this process be measured? How is it measured?

  • How do we trace and fix errors in enterprise migration?



  • How is the enterprise integration updated? Who manages the changes?

  • What data quality control is in place during enterprise integration?

  • How is the quality validated? Who does this?

  • Is the data transformed before being loaded? Who does this?

  • What types of transformations are performed during this level of integration?

  • Is this an automated process? Manual?



  • Is enterprise-level data integration of critical data of the business important?

  • Where and when is it deemed unimportant?

  • In what areas does the organization deem enterprise integration important?

  • When is this level of integration performed? Nightly? Weekly? Monthly?



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