Data Consensus

Data Consensus

Identify the client’s ability to generate a consensus within the organization on ideas, concepts, and strategies related to the data of interest. Ask and rate the following question:







Consensus Building


  • Can you provide a short description of the consensus in the organization?

  • Would you describe it as Above Average, Average, Below Average, or Poor?

  • Is consensus on critical data deemed important?

  • Who drives consensus-building in the organization?



  • How would you describe the consensus process in the organization?

  • Is it driven top-down or bottom-up? Advantages & Disadvantages of the approach?

  • How has the consensus process been embraced by the organization? If not, why?

  • How are disagreements resolved?

  • What is the approval process for consensus discussions?



  • Is enterprise consensus on critical aspects of the business important?

  • Where and when is it deem unimportant?

  • In what areas does the organization deem data consensus is important?

  • Who is driving data consensus in the organization?

Glossary of Terms


  • Does a glossary of terms exist for critical business data?

  • Does each application system generate its glossary?

  • Do data marts and data warehouses provide a glossary?

  • If they don’t exist, have they been discussed?

  • Would it be difficult to create a glossary for the pricing team? Finance?

  • Why would it be difficult?

  • Where is the glossary stored? How is accessibility managed?



  • Who owns these data glossaries? Multiple owners?

  • Who maintains them? Updated regularly?

  • How is their ownership established? Is it recognized by others?



  • What are the steps in their creation?

  • How many people are involved? Departments?

  • What does the approval process look like? How many steps?

  • How are any disagreements resolved?

Competing Structures


  • Do multiple systems have redundant (modifiable) data for critical business data?

  • Do multiple systems have replicated (unmodifiable) data for critical business data?

  • How do we know that redundant or replicated data exists?

  • Does a cross-reference model exist detailing them?

  • Does replicated and redundant data exist for critical pricing data?



  • Who owns these systems containing replicated or redundant data?

  • Are they aware of their similarities in data? Differences?

  • How did dual ownership of this data occur?

  • Has dual ownership of data caused problems in the past?

  • Has dual ownership of redundant and replicated data caused problems in the past?



  • How is the replicated or redundant data validated?

  • Does a process exist for merging them?

  • Is there a process or plan to eradicate replicated or redundant data?

  • What is the risk assessment of this type of data? Who performs this assessment?

Golden Records


  • Is there a single repository where critical business data can be found?

  • Does this repository consolidate data from multiple systems?

  • Does it provide a complete picture of the organization’s data? Partial?

  • If partial, then which critical business data is represented? Which isn’t?

  • Are customer, product, and pricing included in this?



  • Who owns this repository?

  • Is it singular ownership or a board of consensus?

  • Who is responsible for maintaining it?

  • Who is responsible for validation and cleansing?

  • Who provides access to it to the organization?



  • How is the repository updated? Who manages the updates?

  • What data quality control is in place?

  • How is the quality validated? Who does this?

  • Is the data transformed before being loaded? Who does this?

  • What types of transformations are performed?



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