These are the user stories associated with the Quality epic.
Story Name | As a… | I want to… | So I can… | Acceptance Criteria | Notes |
Communicate data definitions | Data Resource Manager | Ensure the Business and IT Data Stewards understand the Pricefx data definitions | Prepare the Business and IT Data Stewards to be able to provide quality data | - Each Data Steward acknowledges they understand the Pricefx data definitions. |
Communicate the Data Quality Check process | Data Resource Manager | Ensure the Business and IT Data Stewards understand the Pricefx Data Quality Check process, including the inputs and outputs | Execute the data quality check process efficiently with the Business and IT Data Stewards | - Each Data Steward acknowledges they understand the Pricefx Data Quality Check process, inputs and outputs |
Provide Master Data | Business and IT Data Steward | Prepare the Master Data as defined in the Data Specification document | Deliver the Master data to Pricefx for a quality check | - Master data tables have been provided to Pricefx in the agreed to format and location |
Perform Master Data Quality Check | Data Resource Manager | Ensure the "Master" data provided by the Business and IT Data Stewards meets the Pricefx quality standards | Upload the "master" data into the Pricefx system. | ' A data quality score of ___% has been achieved |