

These are the user stories associated with the Quality epic.

Story Name

As a…

I want to…

So I can…

Acceptance Criteria


Story Name

As a…

I want to…

So I can…

Acceptance Criteria


Communicate data definitions

Data Resource Manager

Ensure the Business and IT Data Stewards understand the Pricefx data definitions

Prepare the Business and IT Data Stewards to be able to provide quality data

- Each Data Steward acknowledges they understand the Pricefx data definitions.


Communicate the Data Quality Check process

Data Resource Manager

Ensure the Business and IT Data Stewards understand the Pricefx Data Quality Check process, including the inputs and outputs

Execute the data quality check process efficiently with the Business and IT Data Stewards

- Each Data Steward acknowledges they understand the Pricefx Data Quality Check process, inputs and outputs


Provide Master Data

Business and IT Data Steward

Prepare the Master Data as defined in the Data Specification document

Deliver the Master data to Pricefx for a quality check

- Master data tables have been provided to Pricefx in the agreed to format and location


Perform Master Data Quality Check

Data Resource Manager

Ensure the "Master" data provided by the Business and IT Data Stewards meets the Pricefx quality standards

Upload the "master" data into the Pricefx system.

' A data quality score of ___% has been achieved