

These are the user stories associated with the Availability epic.

Story Name

As a…

I want to…

So I can…

Acceptance Criteria


Story Name

As a…

I want to…

So I can…

Acceptance Criteria


Mitigate Data Delivery Risks

Data Resource Manager

Work with the Business, IT Data Stewards and Project Manager to identify risks associated with the delivery of data

Mitigte data delivery risks

-Risk Log is created, updated and maintained on and greed to frequency


Identify Dependencies

Data Resource Manager

Work with the Business and IT Data Stewards to identify dependencies between systems and processes for the delivery of data

Ensure the dependiencies are recognized and steps are taken to avoid delays

- dependencies between systems and processes are documented

- steps are taken to incorporate depencies into data delivery schedule


Establish Data Delivery Timeline

Data Resource Manager

Work with the Business and IT Data Stewards to establish the data delivery timeline

Best estimate the start of Feture Sprint #1

- Data delivery timeline is created and agreed to by the Customer Project Manager


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