

These are the user stories associated with the Identification epic.

Story Name

As a…

I want to…

So I can…

Acceptance Criteria


Story Name

As a…

I want to…

So I can…

Acceptance Criteria


Identify Business Data Stewards

Data Resource Manager

Know who are the Business process owners/stewards

Have them identify which business processes are associated with pricing data

- A single person is identified as the owner/steward for each Business Process associated with pricing data

- Each identified person certifies that the business process is capable of providing pricing data when requested

- The business owners/stewards names are documented in the "Data Source Template"


Identify Pricing-related Business Processes

Business Steward

Know which Business processes are associated with creating pricing data

Ensure each process is capable of providing all required pricing elements when needed

- Each business process involved with creating pricing data is identified

- The business processes are documented in the "Data Source Template"


Identify IT Data Stewards

Data Resource Manager

Know who are the IT Data Stewards

Have them identify which IT systems, databases, processes and tools are associated with pricing data

- A single person is identified as the owner/steward for each IT System associated with pricing data

- Each identified person certifies that the IT system is capable of providing pricing data when requested

- The IT owners/stewards names are documented in the "Data Source Template"


Identify Pricing-related IT Systems

IT Data Steward

Know which IT systems, databases, processes and tools are associated with creating pricing data

Ensure each system is available to provide all required pricing elements when needed

'- Each IT System involved with creating pricing data is identified

- The IT Systems are documented in the "Data Source Template"


DRM Process Introduction

Data Resource Manager

Educate the Business and IT Data Stewards, along with the Project Manager, about the DRM process

Ensure the team is working together to achieve data readiness

- Each team member has had the DRM process expalined to them

- Each team member understands their role in the DRM process


Establish Preliminary TImeline

Data Resource Manager

Create a timeline template to be reviewed and revised throughout the DRM process

Have a realistic timeline established to hand over to the Project Managers

-A realistic timeline is established


Identify in-scope business processes

Pricing Director

Identify all Pricefx supported business processes

Identify the scope of the data needed to support my pricing activity

- Completion of the "Process Scope" tab in the Scoping Document.

- Include some detail about how to delineate a business process? For example, price setting may be one, but there could be more than one for different types of quoting, etc.

Part of the scoping phase

Identify critical business process data elements

Business and IT Data Steward

Catalog the critical data elements in my business process

Understand what data will need to be brought in to support the process

- Identify the business data elements that are most important in each scoped business process

- Completion of the <Business Processes> tabs in the Scoping Document.

Part of the scoping phase

Finalize source system identification

Business and IT Data Steward

Establish the data ecosystem needed to support pricing processes

Provide all scoped data to Pricefx

- Insure that all critical data elements can be sourced within the organization

- Verify that IT stakeholders from each system are able to provide the necessary data

Part of the scoping phase

Complete data entity definition

Business and IT Data Steward

Provide a completed data scoping document to Pricefx

Allow Pricefx to effectively build a Pricefx data model

- Completion of the "Data Entities" tab in the Scoping Document.

- This would conclude the scoping phase and the result here should be a completed scoping document.

Part of the scoping phase

Identify and review data integration and security standards

Pricing Project Team

Identify and understand any data management standards that must be followed

Establish integrations with Pricefx that adhere to organization protocols

- Discuss and resolve any data exchange processes and concepts that must be adhered to

- Acquire any permissions or authorizations needed to exchange data with Pricefx

- Complete any pre-work that needs to be done to allow internal systems to communcate with Pricefx servers

Part of integration design task Focus on things like firewalls, data security and messaging standards, IT standards for integration

Determine data integration approach

Pricing Project Team

Finalize a plan for exporting and importing data to and from Pricefx

Maintain accurate and updated data in the Pricefx system

- Decide how each in-scope source system will be integrated with

Part of integration design task

Sample data delivery

Business and IT Data Steward

Provide a representative sample of my organization's data to the Pricefx team

Insure that the Pricefx data model and system data meet the needs of my business processes

- Provide sample data for each extract / table that will be used in the system

Part of the modeling phase

Define Pricefx data model

Pricefx Solution Architect

Define the technical data model that will be used in Pricefx

Begin configuration on a stable data foundation

- Complete the design for the Pricefx table structure


Complete data integration specification document

Pricefx Solution Architect

Complete the data integration specification document

Proceed with the build out of integration interfaces

- Define each interface and all parameters in the spec

- Create a mapping tab for each interface in the specification document

Part of the modeling phase

Establish Data Readiness meeting cadence

Data Resource Manager

Establish a set schedule for the team to meet

Discuss current progress, blockers, and upcoming activities

- meetings scheduled to include all Data Readiness stakeholders



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