User Group Admin

Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


User Group Admin

In the User Groups section you can create new user groups which then play a key role in the entitlement for various objects in Pricefx. Only users with an assigned user group can view and/or change the data:

  • Users with 'User Group (Edit)' can change the data.
  • Users with 'User Group (View Details)' can only see the data but changes will not be saved.

The assignment of user groups is directly done in the Product and Customer Master, Company Parameters tables or Price Lists. For Extensions it is done in the admin section. You can assign multiple User Groups by selecting the user groups from the drop-down menu.

It is recommended to create groups with names as short as possible. When selecting user groups for viewing/editing at various places in the application, there is a limit: the total length of all user group names cannot exceed 255 characters. 

The User Group Admin section can be accessed from the Admin menu.

The following actions are available:

  • Add  a new group.
  • Delete  the group.
  • Edit Label by double-clicking the field. (Name cannot be changed.)

(tick) To modify/add the user group data, you can also use the Excel Client.

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