User Admin

Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


User Admin

In the User Admin section you can manage all user accounts (provided you have the Administer Users role).

Each user account has the following fields and options:

  • Login name – Name used to log in to the application.
  • Email – Email address where the application sends notifications for the user. The local part (before @) accepts uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, digits and the following characters: . ' _ + -. The domain part accepts only Latin letters, digits and -.
  • First/Last Name – Name of the user.
  • Activated – Determines if the user can log in or not. This is also a good alternative if you want to deny access to a user but keep the account configuration for later activation or as a template (explained below with the 'Copy roles between users' action).
  • Single Sign-On only – If checked, user authentication process can be done only by the Identity Provider. Users will not be able to log in directly using their password.
  • Password Expires – Sets a date and time when the password should expire. When the user tries to log in after this date, there is a prompt to set up a new password. Time is converted to the UTC time. 
    • How you can make use of this option:
      • If you set the date to a past value, you force the user to reset their password.

      • If you set the date to a empty value, you disable password resetting.

    • There is also the option 'Password Expires After (Days)' in General Settings which applies to all user accounts in the partition. This option simply resets the date here in the user account upon password change.

  • Default User Group (Edit) – When the user creates a new object (Price List, Quote, etc. – as specified in the configuration), this group will be assigned to the newly created object, meaning that the object can be edited only by users within this group. For details see Entitlement Concept.
  • Default User Group (View) – When the user creates a new object (Price List, Quote, etc. – as specified in the configuration), this group will be assigned to the newly created object, meaning that the object can be viewed only by users within this group. For details see Entitlement Concept.
  • Email Locale – Language of workflow emails the user will receive from the application, e.g. requests for approvals. The available options depend on the settings made in the Message Templates section.
  • Wizard Dashboard – Allows you to select a Wizard Dashboard, an additional left pane with e.g. guiding steps which can be selected specifically for each user.
  • Product/Customer Filter – Limits the list of Products/Customers that this user can see in the Product/Customer picker when creating a new Price List or Quote. To create a filter, click 'Create Filter' and in the product/customer picker define a filter which should be applied to the particular user.
  • Receive WF Emails – Determines if a user who is involved in a workflow gets approval workflow and document creation workflow notifications from the application, e.g. requests for approvals. If this option is not activated, the user can still see the list of requests in Active Workflows
  • No Session – If checked, the application does not create a session for the logged in user. This option is intended only for accounts used by Integration Manager to upload data. (Without it, Integration Manager would create a new session with every data request sent to PFX and it would flood the system with a lot of sessions and slow down the regular users.)
  • Receive admin emails – If checked, the user receives administration-related emails (such as notifications generated by the system). Users with the General Admin role have this option enabled by default. 
    (info) Workflow related issues and errors are not included in these admin notifications.
  • Require TFA? – If checked, two-factor authentication is enabled for the user.

The following actions can be done using the icons in the User Admin section:

  • Add a new user 
    • Mandatory steps:
      • Fill in Login Name and Email.
      • Set a password by clicking the Change Password  icon.
    • Recommended steps:
      • Determine entitlement for the user (using roles, groups and 99623147).
      • Set other account preferences as listed above, e.g. Email Locale, Default User Groups etc. 
  • Copy a user 
    • Copies the user record, including all group memberships and role attributes. The login name is automatically generated, so change it to a meaningful one. Also set the password by clicking the Change Password  icon.

  • Delete a user 
    • Removes the account completely. (Alternatively, use the Activated checkbox if you only need to disable the account temporarily.)
  • Copy roles between users  
    • Copies all of the roles from one user to another. Using this option simplifies creation of new accounts as you can use accounts as "templates" (you have one or more user accounts with the required roles selected, you keep these accounts deactivated and use them only to copy roles to newly created accounts).
  • Change password 
    • Sets a new password for a selected user.
  • Download 
    • Downloads the list of all users in the system, their data, groups and roles to an XLSX file.

(tick) To modify/add the user account data, you can also use the Excel Client

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