Competition Data
Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.
Competition Data
Competition Data allows you to enter and maintain data about competitors and their products. This data can also be shown in the Product table.
The competition table summarizes for what competitor you have obtained a price, where, when, from which source and other details. The Priority field allows you to control which price is used if you have more competitive prices.
Using the icons under the table you can:
- Add a new competition data line.
- Copy the selected data line.
- Delete or mass delete all, filtered or selected data lines.
- Edit data by double-clicking a field.
- Mass edit all, filtered or selected data lines. In a new window which opens select the Field and Operator and enter a Value. Click the Edit button to confirm the changes.
- Download the competition data into an Excel file.
- Toggle filter to filter the competition data (for details see Filter Records).
To modify/add the competition data, you can also use the Excel Client.
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