Value Estimator Package v1.1.3
- 1 Bugs
- 2 Tasks
- 3 Improvements
- 4 Stories
[PFPCS-3087] - Flexchart context menu is not fully show in some case
[PFPCS-3089] - Waterfall hide some label when there are many drivers
[PFPCS-3155] - Waterfall chart autoresize broken after maximize
[PFPCS-3186] - Waterfall chart maximized: add margin and padding
[PFPCS-3187] - Solution chart label update
[PFPCS-3188] - Alignment consistency between value overview and calculation result
[PFPCS-3189] - Remove 'Our Company Quote Price' output on line item
[PFPCS-2989] - Price Saving and Value Overview chart do not have the same label alignment
[PFPCS-2990] - ERROR(@174): Unable to convert value 'Currency' of type java.lang.String to type java.lang.Long
[PFPCS-3021] - Proposed price difference/Proposed price format are incorrect when setting pricing strategy
[PFPCS-3049] - Heatmap data label alignment not work correctly
[PFPCS-3070] - Reset Templates drivers: Formula is not reset
[PFPCS-3088] - Find Solution: keep unconfirm value when click apply button
[PFPCS-3071] - Formula: Enable to read number value
[PFPCS-2965] - Add 'Geographic Reach' driver
[PFPCS-2966] - Currency Configuration
[PFPCS-2967] - Driver attribute order by variable value desc
[PFPCS-2993] - Calculate heatmap data label alignment