360 Insights
Currently on hold.
In this section:
Data Table | Mandatory Columns |
Quotes | Quote:
Quote Line Item:
Price Lists | Price List:
Price List Item:
Live Price Grids | Live Price Grid:
Live Price Grid Item:
Rebate Agreements | Rebate Agreement:
Rebate Agreement Item:
Rebate Agreement Item Outputs:
Competition Data |
Customer Assignments |
Sales Data (Transactions) |
Those 2 libraries are deployed automatically by PM, when deploying 360 Insights package:
AC (Advanced configuration)
These fields are configurable in a configuration wizard when deploying from PM and saved to Advanced Configuration file “360_AdvancedConfiguration”
PP (Price Parameters)
Both PP tables have default config data deployed by PM, which we can configure further manually if needed.
A table containing configuration of which objects will be mapped to Active. Active and Inactive are internally mapped statuses.
Column name | Description | Instructions |
Fetch field | Specifies the entity which is configured | Choose one of 4 supported entities for each row (Price List, Live Price Grid, Quote, Rebate Agreement) |
Mapped Statuses | Specifies what kind of statuses are to be mapped for given entity | Price List and Live Price Grid should use ‘Workflow Status’, Quote and Rebate Agreement should use ‘Object Status’ |
Object Type | Specifies what statuses are to be mapped as active | By default, along with current requirements, the statuses for entities are: Live Price Grid - APPROVED, NO_APPROVAL_REQUIRED Quote - DEAL Rebate Agreement - APPROVED |
A table containing configuration for extraction of Quotes data fetched from Quote Configurator into target Datamart (D360_Quotes).
Column name | Description | Instructions |
Quote Type | Specifies the Quote Type | Choose default type, as for current scope it’s the only one that is currently used. |
Mapping Field | Name of the column in the target of Quote Extractor (D360_Quotes DM) | Specifies the column in the target for which the extraction has to be done, so the name should be identical as column in D360_Quotes DM. |
Expression | Key of data extraction from source (Quote Configurator) | Specifies the key to get the data. Can be specified using dots, when extractring data from “outputs” or “inputs”. Some fields currently used in 360, should be extracted from “outputs” from QLI (quote line item level), such as: Currency, InvoicePrice, Quantity, clicId, priceRecordId,sku. For these fields use syntax “outputs.FieldName.result” (as in example/default data) |
Configuration Type | Type of configuration row | Choose default type, as for current scope it’s the only one that is currently used. |
Extract Level | Dropdown where the level of extraction from quote object has to be chosen. Within current scope of 360, only fields from Q and QLI levels are extracted. | Q – quote data - for fields such as: createDate, customerId, expiryDate, id, label, lastUpdateDate, quoteStatus, quoteTypeUniqueName |
Default value | Default value of given field. Setting it is optional. |
There are two 360 packages on PM: “360 Insights” deploying all 360 objects, and “360 Insights - Upgrade”, which deploys only Calculation Logics.
Find 360 packages on Platform Manager, Marketplace → Templates Management → search by label/name
2. Click three dots and then “Show Detail” on chosen package.
3. Click deploy on the chosen version.
4. Enter the partition name → Continue
5. Installation will begin
6. The mapping wizard for Advanced Configuration mapping will appear. Those mappings will be used to fetch Transaction Data. The default choice is “Standard_Sales_Data” as a source DM for Transactions data. Choose the mappings from the dropdowns.
6.1 After choosing Datamart, for all other dropdowns you can choose mapping fields, fetched from that datamart (each field mapping has to be chosen) → Continue
7. Wait a moment, when installation is finished, you will see this message.
8. Make sure to check if the configuration of PP tables is correct for given partition.