Plasma KPI Dashboards 1.0.0
PFPCS-3437 Incorrect no-data indication in Plasma KPI Dashboards
PFPCS-3392 Fix Plasma KPI dashboard names
PFPCS-3302 Default deployment of the dashboard is throwing an error related to Datamart
PFPCS-3444 For PRICE_WATERFALL change the KPI_DISPLAY_NAME Non-Standard Orders Customization Costs to Nonstandard Orders Customization Costs
PFPCS-3441 For the company waterfall chart the default value shows rounding with zero decimal places and in millions, this need to show value with one decimal in millions
PFPCS-3288 Checking the dashboards and its corresponding preferences
PFPCS-2366 Request to add Align Property support in DataLabel
PFPCS-3045 Unit Test Case Coverage - Phase 1 (Rampup, framework, QueryModule, MathUtils, GeneralUtils, ConfiguratorUtils, DecileChartUtils, DateUtils)
PFPCS-2958 Business Feedback and Small Enhancements (Advice or enhancements or modifications or minor data change)
PFPCS-2918 Technical Story 4: General refactoring identified and postponed due to delivery timelines.
PFPCS-2884 Insights _ 9/9_ Number of sales persons TTM
PFPCS-2883 Insights _ 8/9_ Number of accounts TTM
PFPCS-2882 Insights _ 7/9_ Number of products TTM
PFPCS-2861 Realize _ 7/7 _ Average number of steps in approval process
PFPCS-2860 Realize _ 6/7 _ Deal velocity for deals needing approval
PFPCS-2859 Realize _ 5/7 _ Percent of deals needing approval
PFPCS-2858 Realize _ 4/7 _ Percent of deals outside guidelines
PFPCS-2857 Realize _ 3/7 _ Deal velocity for all deals
PFPCS-2856 Realize _ 2/7 _ Average of deal size
PFPCS-2855 Realize _ 1/7 _ Number of deals
PFPCS-2850 Manage _ 5/5_ Price increase Realization Waterfall
PFPCS-2849 Manage _ 4/5_ TTM Percent of per unit price increase realized
PFPCS-2848 Manage _ 3/5_ TTM Number of List Price Increases
PFPCS-2847 Manage _ 2/5_ TTM Number of List Price Changes
PFPCS-2846 Manage _ 1/5_ Number of products TTM
PFPCS-2807 Support Latest Data view for dashboard
PFPCS-2799 Technical Story 3: Highchart Features Rejected, Coding standard improvement and Unit Test Case Estimation
PFPCS-2757 Ability to dynamically build KPI dashboards for different UserGroups / UserRoles without need to add new dashboard logic.
PFPCS-2683 Technical Story 2: Refactoring and Coding standard compliance
PFPCS-2646 Dashboards design/ Insights : Total Revenue Quartile Chart
PFPCS-2572 Dashboards design/ Insights : Deciles Charts - Customers and Products
PFPCS-2531 KPI Dashboard : Get latest data available
PFPCS-2411 Technical Story 1: Performance Data Generation
PFPCS-2304 Dashboards design / Executive summary : Chart n°1 : Sample template US
PFPCS-2301 Dashboards design / Insights : Waterfall with Absolute Value
PFPCS-2300 Dashboards design / Executive summary : evolution number of products
PFPCS-2299 Dashboards design / Executive summary : Chart n°6
PFPCS-2298 Dashboards design / Executive summary : Chart n°5
PFPCS-2297 Dashboards design / Executive summary : Chart n°4
PFPCS-2296 Dashboards design / Executive summary : Chart n°3
PFPCS-2295 Dashboards design / Executive summary : Chart n°2
PFPCS-2294 Dashboards design / Executive summary : Comparison Waterfall
PFPCS-2293 Dashboards design / Executive summary : Chart n°1
PFPCS-3260 Part 2 - PFPCS-3216 (Checking with changes less than 600 lines)
PFPCS-3259 Part 1 - PFPCS-3216 (Checking with changes less than 600 lines)
PFPCS-3258 2 remaining methods of QuartileChartUtils and DateUtils
PFPCS-3216 Unit Test: ConfiguratorUtil, DecileChartUtils, QuartileChartUtils
PFPCS-3181 Implement QueryModule, MathUtil, General Util Unit Test cases
PFPCS-3102 Initial Setup and first set of unit test case for simple methods in QueryModule
PFPCS-3044 Performance generation utility refactor the bigger setter method to be simpler. CustomerTransactionRecordGenerationUtils & CustomerQuotesRecordGenerationUtils
PFPCS-3024 (Child 2 of PFPCS-2719) Performance Data Modifications for covering all KPIs implemented so far
PFPCS-3022 (Child 1 of PFPCS-2719) Performance Data Refactoring - 2 : Added for MR making merge request manageable.
PFPCS-2974 Start using Plasma Testing instance for development and only when development is finalized and assured to be working it should be moved to Plasma_Demo partition
PFPCS-2969 Percentage Calculation defect for waterfall.
PFPCS-2959 Modify the charts for TTM Number of List Price Change/Increases
PFPCS-2943 [Unplanned] Minor defects fix for Manage, Realize Dashboards
PFPCS-2941 [Unplanned] Import the latest data provided by Bain and shifts the chart to it.
PFPCS-2933 Correct the violation done as part of the MRs created
PFPCS-2919 Configure the dashboard configuration, Integrate it with Manage Dashboard configuration and check-in configuration.
PFPCS-2916 Delete existing dashboard logics : Dashboard_ExecutiveSummary & Dashboard_Insight
PFPCS-2900 Defect: The Customer data is in hours where as API data is in days. Convert the Customer data in days to show correct values.
PFPCS-2899 Create the chart as per specification with configuration and with minimal changes.
PFPCS-2894 Create Configuration and Chart for the Insight Dashboard for chart Total Accounts TTM.
PFPCS-2888 Changes to the PlasmaDashboardCommon groovy library
PFPCS-2887 Refactor PlasmaDashboardCommon as per single dynamic dashboard
PFPCS-2886 Refactor Plasma Dynamic Filter (Configurator_PlasmaKPI) according to single dynamic dashboard
PFPCS-2872 The feature for drill down series creation that is rejected by the Highchart team modify the code to handle it accordingly.
PFPCS-2871 If the Quotes/Transactions data sources are not available. Handle it gracefully.
PFPCS-2870 Identify the number & complexity of the unit test cases required for Plasma Dashboard Common
PFPCS-2869 PlotOptions class implementation in HighChart is rejected by the HighChart team. Please move it outside of HighChart and Implement it as part of PlasmaDashboardCommon
PFPCS-2842 Additional Feedback from Bain for hiding the waterfall chart types and hide zero value option.
PFPCS-2836 Import Data from Newco Source and Use Extractor and Distiller to see if data can be generated for Plasma_Output_Transactions and Plasma_Output_Quotes.
PFPCS-2822 Modify the Configurator to support Latest Data only
PFPCS-2819 Modify PlasmaDashboardCommon to work with possibility that only Industry & Selling To may be populated
PFPCS-2800 Fix the configuration for Decile Chart to show KPI data and Accounts with Negative Margin Chart Customer data value in Decile Chart and remove WIP_
PFPCS-2719 Performance Data Generation for all KPIs for Executive Summary, Insight, Manage and Realize Dashboard
PFPCS-2718 Write the common design document for all types of charts for Accelerator team to refer to.
PFPCS-2717 Refactor the configurator to have the common values and accordingly refer to it.
PFPCS-2688 Refactor Waterfall charts and integrations to remove all the string literals outside and centralized.
PFPCS-2687 Reduce the Trailing twelve months chart to refer to the centralized definition and reduce the repetition and configurations.
PFPCS-2686 Reduce the Decile Charts to refer to the centralized definition and reduce the repetition of KPIs and configuration related strings.
PFPCS-2685 Refactor the Quartile charts to refer to centralized definition and reduce the repetition of display properties and also reduce the string constants definition.
PFPCS-2684 Have the to be refactored dashboards separate from the Demoable dashboards. This is to ensure that demo of dashboards should be untouched.
PFPCS-2655 Get the filter data restricted to the KPIs that are displayed in charts
PFPCS-2653 Design and Implement this chart with appropriate tool tip as required by chart
PFPCS-2573 Design and Implement the Decile charts such that these charts can be moved across dashboards.
PFPCS-2567 Update Performance Tasks To Populate Summary Date and Month for TTM
PFPCS-2505 Create the dashboard with Util elements and dashboard display.
PFPCS-2504 Create the performance data for Plasma KPI and Customer Data. Record the outcome of performance testing for client side and server side timing in story.
PFPCS-2466 Implement the Dashboard re-using as much work done earlier
PFPCS-2465 Implement the Dashboard re-using as much work done earlier
PFPCS-2464 Implement the Dashboard re-using as much work done earlier
PFPCS-2463 Implement the Dashboard re-using as much work done earlier
PFPCS-2462 Implement the Dashboard re-using as much work done earlier
PFPCS-2419 Implementation of Performance Tasks so that data start getting generated
PFPCS-2418 Designing Performance Implementation and identifying conditions for it
PFPCS-2358 [Unplanned] Dynamic Filter Implementation by unifying them after feedback from demo
PFPCS-2357 [Unplanned] HighChartLibrary modifications
PFPCS-2336 [Unplanned] Sample data creation as business data is not sufficient to test all scenarios
PFPCS-2335 Dashboard Implementation
PFPCS-2334 Dashboard Filter Implementation
PFPCS-2333 Environment Setup
PFPCS-2332 Design and Estimation
PFPCS-2331 Requirement clarifications
PFPCS-2743 Update the new Plasma_KPI Data for Plasma Demo partition used by Plasma KPI Dashboard
PFPCS-2436 Update KPI Dashboards package content definition