Plasma Warning Handling
When working with user data and complex configurations, many things can go wrong. This is we try to make warning/exception handling standardized in the whole package by processing it in a single element called “WarningManager” in PlasmaLib library logic.
Each expected error belongs to one of these categories:
Exception - Stops calculation of current row and/or init/summary phase. Handled like api.throwException() call.
Abortable - Stops calculation of the whole step. Handled like api.abortCalculation() call.
Warning - Doesn’t stop calculation, but logs the information
Existing expected errors:
Name | Type | Is saved to audit? |
CANNOT_READ_CONFIG | Abortable | Yes |
MISSING_MANDATORY | Exception | No (For performance reasons) |
WRONG_CONFIG | Exception | Yes |
CONFIG_INCOMPLETE | Exception | Yes |
TGT_PROCESSING | Exception | Yes |
NO_DATA | Exception | Yes |
INVALID_NUMBER | Warning | Yes |
NOT_PARSABLE | Warning | Yes |
NULL | Warning | Yes |
EMPTY | Warning | Yes |
NO_ROWS | Warning | Yes |
BOUNDCALL_ERROR | Warning | Yes |
UNEXPECTED | Warning | Yes |
EMPTY_CONFIG | Warning | Yes |
CANNOT_STREAM_DATA | Warning | Yes |
SOURCE_MISSING | Warning | Yes |
These errors can be raised from multiple places in the package and each usage also provides an additional message with details about any given occurrence. It will be visible in Data Load calculation results, in server logs and in “Plasma_Audit” Price Parameter table if applicable.
E-mail notificaiton:
Besides the audit logs also a notificaiton will be sent in one e-mail per one job in case some job fails:
recepient: the PP-stored e-mail addresses: Plasma_Config.EmailIdsForFailureAlert
subject: "Plasma Job Failed: “+ [Job Name] +” on " + [Partition name]
body: Job Name, Job Type , DL Target, Extractor, Transactions Started at, Cluster Partition