Plasma Package 1.3.0
- 1 Improvements
- 2 Tasks
- 3 Bugs
PFPCS-2517 Introducing logger to extractor logic
PFPCS-2427 Architectonic refactor of data processing in Plasma Extractor
PFPCS-2426 Architectonic refactor of loading configuration part in plasma Extractor
PFPCS-2425 Architectonic refactor of Input elements inside Plasma extractor
PFPCS-1803 Refactor of Library.groovy
PFPCS-1802 Improvement of MappingConfig.groovy
PFPCS-1801 Decide if returning null is good practice across whole Plasma project
PFPCS-1800 Improvement of PlasmaConfig.groovy
PFPCS-1799 Design and get rid of using of api.local across whole Extractor
PFPCS-1798 Refactor of loadData function
PFPCS-1797 Improvement of PrimarySourceCache, DM_DS_Cache, P_C_PX_CX_PP_Cache
PFPCS-1796 Refactor of function skipCounts
PFPCS-1795 Refactor of function constructJoinClause
PFPCS-1788 Architectural refactor of logic PDE_PlasmaTxnDataExtractor
PFPCS-3007 Remove unused element "GenerateQueryConfigOld"
PFPCS-2890 change getMaskedData to avoid 2 methods with the same namings in Lib
PFPCS-2778 Test Plasma Extractor part in v1.3 after refactored code
PFPCS-2587 Improvement of logger so there won't be need for casting objects to Strings
PFPCS-2522 Implementation of Warning Manager
PFPCS-2442 Remove FormulaEvaluator logic from plasma-quote-processor-accelerator repo
PFPCS-2394 Design a Warning Manager for Plasma
PFPCS-2384 Anonymization - masking refactor & documentation
PFPCS-1872 Quote extractor_Investigate error hibernate exception when running DL
PFPCS-1804 Set some global patterns that we have to use in 2nd phase of refactor
PFPCS-1391 Write down architecture for existing solution
PFPCS-2986 Plasma Extractor_ init Step Error: LookupData (via StreamUtils) no signature of methods
PFPCS-2979 No data besides UniqueId added to DS for PandC config
PFPCS-2831 PlasmaExtractor_FileConfigs: Cannot get property "aliasMap" on null object
PFPCS-2827 PlasmaExtractor_Missing Incremental mode setting for DL
PFPCS-2813 PlasmaExtractor_Error LookupData: Cannot get property "filter" on null object
PFPCS-2812 PlasmaExtractor_Data is not moved to Plasma_TX DS
PFPCS-2811 PlasmaExtractor_Formula does not work
PFPCS-2803 PlasmaExtractor_Fix typo
PFPCS-2801 PlasmaExtractor_Init step error_Maximum In-Memory row count of 100000 exceeded
PFPCS-2782 PlasmaExtractor_Error when source type is PP
PFPCS-2781 PlasmaExtractor_Error when source type is DS and P,C
PFPCS-2780 PlasmaExtractor_Error when source type is DS and CX
PFPCS-2779 Error in Formula[PDE_PlasmaTxnDataExtractor[866]] init step error when source type is only DS
PFPCS-2561 Logger switch fix