Customer Insights Dashboard 1.4



PFPCS-3674 Mapped Customer parameter for Detail View

PFPCS-3669 Detail View > Revenue and Margin > No-data indication

PFPCS-3656 Summary portlets - no data indication

PFPCS-3655 Detail View - Waterfall - no-data indication

PFPCS-3628 Update Get currency of Datamart

PFPCS-3530 Customer segment PP - more effective default setting

PFPCS-3525 Update deployment script for customer insight

PFPCS-3474 Dashboards labels adjustment

PFPCS-3404 Detail View - Revenue Breakdown - no-data indication

PFPCS-3403 Create some wrapper for SummaryPortletUtils.initTableItem()

PFPCS-3350 [Simulation] Update some elements to improve performance

PFPCS-3348 [Simulation] Update cache in some elements and function to improve performance

PFPCS-3337 [Simulation] Update SQL for Customer Classification by Revenue and Product Classification by Volume

PFPCS-3322 [Simulation] Update element GetProductAvgPriceByCustomer And ProductAvgPriceByCustomer

PFPCS-3300 Multiple sources for Customer segment

PFPCS-3298 [CID] add into Simulation more field ProductClassificationByHealthScore.

PFPCS-3238 Charts > Add 1000 separator to displayed number

PFPCS-3203 Product Portfolio - Health Score filter

PFPCS-3202 Detail View - Health Score filter

PFPCS-3199 Global View - Health Score

PFPCS-3198 Product Portfolio - Product Class filter

PFPCS-3197 Detail View - Product Class filter

PFPCS-3196 Global View - Customer Class filter


PFPCS-3489 [Simulation] Update parameter structure based on solution as dashboard

PFPCS-3438 Detail View - Update waterfall chart in CID because SIP_Dashboards_commons had been changed

PFPCS-3410 [CID] typo in the element name "CustomerProductPortfolioDahboardUtils"

PFPCS-3355 Split Calculation element in CustomerInsights library into 3 sub-elements

PFPCS-3338 Detail View > Pass values in new filters to Portfolio dashboard

PFPCS-3280 [Customer Detail View] Check changes in SIP_Dashboards_commons and update for CID PFPCS-3256 Check whether it's possible to move certain calculations to SQL

PFPCS-3177 The InputParams solution: new structure

PFPCS-3053 Redesign Customer Segment PP Table


PFPCS-3699 Detail View > Waterfall chart display value when no data

PFPCS-3386 Total number values in tables should be integer