Sales Insights Package 1.3.0


Main Features

Default Filters

The default filter feature has been added to all dashboards. This allows the user to set default values which will be displayed on the initial launch of a dashboard. The default filters are set up using the new SIP DefaultFilter configurator wizard.

Users need to create a new PP table called SIP_DefaultFilterValues (due to the current lack of support from pfxpackage to fetch JSON type PP tables).

The table needs to have following setup:

  • Name: SIP_DefaultFilterValues

  • Valid After: 01/01/2020

  • Table Type: JSON

  • Value Type: JSON

  • Status: Active

After creation the user needs to set up one attribute extension named FilterValue.

Additional Aggregation Levels in Revenue and Margin Dashboard

Revenue and Margin dashboard received additional filters that allow the user to group the data. This improves greatly the dashboard performance on larger data sets.

Outliers Calculation Models

Outliers dashboard now allows to select one of three calculation models: (Max - Min) split, Equal split and Contribution. For more information on the calculation models, please see the dashboard documentation.


  • [PFPCS-1746] - Contribution chart - Wrong display value of Margin drill down

  • [PFPCS-1991] - Revenue and Margin per customer portlet has a huge granularity

  • [PFPCS-2148] - Regional Dashboards - sum error on the null value

  • [PFPCS-2169] - Change isPercentBasic to isPercentageBase in Comparison Waterfall Highlevel configuration PP

  • [PFPCS-2246] - Deployment of SIP package fails if conditionalDataSources is not set

  • [PFPCS-2256] - Revenue and Margin Dashboard - Cannot invoke method groupBy() on null object for PerCustomer_Chart

  • [PFPCS-2261] - Unhandled error thrown when KPI input field is left empty and refresh is clicked.

  • [PFPCS-2262] - Error is thrown when one of the customer is not filled for the Comparison Waterfall Chart in Dashboards

  • [PFPCS-2266] - Revenue and Margin Contribution - <Others> is counted incorrectly in drill-down

  • [PFPCS-2308] - "Cannot get property 'first' on null object" in WaterfallComparison Configurator

  • [PFPCS-2310] - isSum isn't working properly on Waterfall Comparison dashboard

  • [PFPCS-2316] - Missing OutlierContributionThresholds PP table on templates-qa

  • [PFPCS-2322] - Cannot invoke method keySet() on null object in OutliersConfigurator in SIP Configurator Wizard

  • [PFPCS-2339] - Comparison Waterfall - Date filters not work if selecting Product(s)/ Customer(s)

  • [PFPCS-2340] - SIP Default Filters - Comparison Waterfall does not show default as setting in configuration wizard

  • [PFPCS-2342] - SIP Default filter - Revenue/ Margin Breakdown - Can't set default time filter (quarter, comparison quarter)

  • [PFPCS-2350] - SIP Default Filters - Some dashboards - Error occurs after deleting default Product(s)/Customer(s)

  • [PFPCS-2356] - SIP Default Filters - Revenue/Margin Breakdown - Error occurs after deleting default Product(s)/Customer(s)

  • [PFPCS-2377] - SIP Default Filters - Outliers - Error occurs when deleting default Product(s)/ Customer(s)

  • [PFPCS-2379] - Outliers - Same data in Best & Worst Products Performance if only having 16 products

  • [PFPCS-2380] - Outliers - Incorrect Customers/Products Performance when selecting Sum calculation model

  • [PFPCS-2381] - Outliers - Incorrect Customers/Products Performance when selecting CONTRIBUTION calculation model

  • [PFPCS-2387] - Comparison waterfall - error by entering wrong date

  • [PFPCS-2413] - Outliers dashboard throws error when there is no bottomData found

  • [PFPCS-2417] - Comparison Waterfall - Can't click delete default Customer(s)/Product)s)

  • [PFPCS-2421] - Comparison Waterfall - Value is displayed incorrectly when deleting default time ranges

  • [PFPCS-2428] - ERROR(@14): Unrecognized field "first" (class net.pricefx.domain.ProductGroup), not marked as ignorable (5 known properties

  • [PFPCS-2430] - SIP Default Filters - Can't click delete default for Outliers and Map

    • Introduced new “World” region.

  • [PFPCS-2435] - Missing Product/ Customer Aggregation in SIP Default Filters configuration wizard

  • [PFPCS-2443] - Revenue and Margin - Charts are displayed incorrectly

  • [PFPCS-2449] - Revenue and Margin - Change label and rounding issue

  • [PFPCS-2453] - SIP Default Filters - Can't apply default Product/ Customer Aggregation

  • [PFPCS-2455] - Comparison waterfall - Filters are not showing correctly on the dashboard

  • [PFPCS-2487] - Comparison Waterfall - Not return fall back date when deleting default time ranges


  • [PFPCS-2227] - Add additional aggregation levels to Revenue and Margin Dashboard

  • [PFPCS-1918] - Allow to define filters

  • [PFPCS-1923] - Outliers Dashboard - additional model

  • [PFPCS-2079] - Column Charts - allow to switch Y-axis to logarithmic scale

  • [PFPCS-2165] - SIP - Misleading x-axis labels in contribution graphs