User Stories (Sales Insights)

Sales Insights Accelerator covers the following user stories:

Story Name

As a…

I want to…

So I can…

Acceptance Criteria

Dimensions & Measures

User Story ID


Story Name

As a…

I want to…

So I can…

Acceptance Criteria

Dimensions & Measures

User Story ID


Datamart Setup

IT/Data/Price Analyst

Set up a transactional Data Source, Product & Customer master and standard Datamart.

Perform analysis using Pricefx Analytics module.

  1. Product Data Source available

  2. Transactional Data Source available

  3. Customer Data Source available (optional)

  4. Standard pricing Datamart available

Pre-defined data format


Analytics, Data Manager

Revenue & Margin by Time

Pricing Analyst

Analyze revenue and margin % achieved during a given period, with the possibility to change the time dimension for aggregation.

Understand the revenue and margin trends for the business and decide on corrective actions.

  1. Two measures time chart, with Revenue as a bar on left Y axis and Margin % as line on right Y axis

  2. Possibility to filter data by Product or Customer attributes

Revenue, Margin, Transaction (Pricing) Data


Analytics, Revenue and Margin dashboard

Revenue & Margin by Customer or Product

Pricing Analyst

Analyze revenue and margin % achieved by a Customer/Product with visualization of the lowest 10%.

Understand the lowest performing products and decide on corrective actions.

Scatter plot with Revenue on X axis and margin % on Y axis. Reference percentile lines (percentile to be defined).

Revenue, Margin, Customer ID or Product ID


Analytics, Revenue and Margin dashboard

Revenue & Margin Contribution by Customer or Product

Pricing Analyst

Analyze contribution of Customers/Products to the total revenue and margin split into 10 buckets (from 10% to 100%), with the option to drill down to see the top 10 contributing Customers/Products in each bucket.

Understand the lowest performing products and decide on corrective actions if needed.

Charts display Revenue and Margin split into 10 buckets to visualize the number of products/customers needed to cover each bucket (cumulative contribution). 

Each data point displays the number of product/customer in the bucket, the total revenue/margin of the product/customer in the bucket and the revenue/margin representing the bucket. 

Revenue, Margin, Product ID


Analytics, Revenue and Margin dashboard

Revenue Pareto by Customer or Product

Pricing Analyst

See the Pareto analysis for Customers/Products contribution to revenue, split into 10 buckets showing the number of Customers/Products in each bucket and cumulative contribution to the total revenue.

Understand which product line contributes the most/least toward the revenue and derive corrective actions.

Charts display Revenue and Margin % split into some bins to visualize the number of products/customers needed to cover each bin (cumulative contribution). 

Revenue, Margin, Product ID


Analytics, Revenue and Margin dashboard

Best & Worst Performers by Customer or Product

Pricing Analyst

See the best/worst Customers/Products (5, 10, 25, 50, 100) for the selected KPI (revenue, revenue contribution %, margin, margin %, margin contribution %).

Understand the least performing product/product line by KPI and derive corrective actions.

Table chart shows best/worst products using the (Revenue, Revenue Contribution %, Margin, Margin % and Margin Contribution %)

Revenue, Margin, Product ID


Analytics, Outliers dashboard

Key Performance Indicators by Customer or Product

Pricing Analyst

See the Customers/Products performance based on the selected KPI (revenue, revenue contribution %, margin, margin %, margin contribution %), split into three groups (low, medium, high) with the possibility to drill down for each group and see the top 10 (high and medium) or worst (low) 10 Customers/Products.

Analyze low performing customers/products and derive corrective actions.

Table charts will show: performance by customer; and performance by product.  Pie charts will display a breakdown of products into high, medium and low performers based on the KPI selected.

Revenue, Margin, Product ID


Analytics, Outliers dashboard

Price Waterfall & Comparison Waterfall

Pricing Analyst

See a standardized price waterfall chart and waterfall comparison charts by time/Customers/Products.

Understand the customer/product profitability and take corrective action.

Shows the waterfall analysis with grouped adjustments.



Analytics, Waterfall 

Revenue & Margin Causality

Pricing Analyst

Analyze revenue/margin causality for two time periods with a breakdown into several categories (Lost Business, New Business, Price Effect, Volume Effect, other effects) and the possibility to display analysis in percentage.


Pricefx standard Revenue Causality

Pricefx standard Margin Causality

Understand revenue/margin drives, and adjust strategy to improve performance in each bucket.

Revenue Breakdown waterfall chart:

  • Show total revenue dollars by selecting Quarter over Quarter or Month over month as the outer bars of the chart

  • Show breakdown of revenue by grouping the data into:

    • "Lost Business" vs. "New Business"

    • Change to revenue due to "Price Effect"

    • Change to revenue due to "Volume Effect"

    • Change to revenue due to "Portfolio Mix Effect"

    • Change to revenue due to "Other Effect"


Margin Breakdown waterfall chart:

  • Show total margin dollars by selecting Quarter over Quarter or Month over month as the outer bars of the chart

  • Show breakdown of margin by grouping the data into:

    • Change to margin due to "Volume"

    • Change to margin due to "Price"

    • Change to margin due to "Mix"

    • Change to margin due to "New products"

    • Change to margin due to "Lost products"

    • Change to margin due to "Cost"

    • Change to margin due to "Intersection"

  • Possibility to filter the waterfall chart by product or product line

Revenue, Margin, Customer ID, Product ID, Quantity


Analytics, Revenue & Margin Causality

Revenue & Margin Causality

Pricing Analyst

See revenue and margin distribution in the world map on the Continent/Country/State level.

Analyze the relationship between different regions, countries or states based on a KPI distribution.

The selected KPI (revenue or margin) is displayed in the world map per geographical unit defined by user configuration (Region, Country), each geohraphical unit has an appropriate color shade depending on the KPI.

The values are aggregated on the customer, product, date from/to level with the configurable currency conversion allowed.

Beside the selected KPI, information on other KPIs for each region is displayed (by hint) as well.

Revenue, Margin, Customer ID, Product ID, Quantity, Region, Country


Analytics, Regional Revenue and Margin dashboard