Create and Set up New Price Calculation Strategy

Price Setting Accelerator was created with a “plug-in” architecture in mind. It means that you can safely add your own custom price strategy calculations and they will be treated the same way as existing out-of-the-box strategies. All the other features of Price Setting Accelerator will work the same way for them.

This article is a step-by-step guide for creating and configuring you own custom strategy.

Strategy Designer works on top of the mechanism that this article describes. Please check it out before proceeding, because it may solve your use case in a more user friendly way.


This article assumes that:

Configuration Overview

Each strategy is configured at two places:

  • Strategy Implementation – Groovy code stored in a method in the Library type logic. This is source of truth for both out-of-the-box and custom strategies. For details see .

  • Strategy Definition – Record in the Company Parameter StrategyDefinition which defines the name and parameters to be provided when the Price Setting Accelerator calls the method. For details see .

The administrator can set up the Price Setting Accelerator to use the strategy for the price list calculations in the Company Parameter StrategySelection. For details see .

For example, review the following definition of the out-of-the-box strategy Cost+. You can see the relation between the definition and implementation. When Price Setting Accelerator calculates the price list item, the library method is called with parameters defined in the strategy definition.

cost plus strategy definition
Figure 2. Definition of {ootb} strategy for Cost+

See for more info about the out-of-the-box Cost+ calculation engine parameters.


Steps to create a custom pricing strategy: