Dependency Mapping Types

Dependency Mapping Types

Dependency mapping defines how different lookup data will be filtered when loaded from a dependent price list. It is available in the DependencyMappingConfig PP and it directly impacts configuration found in PriceSettingConfig PP.


One source table for all dependencies.

Example: PX product cost table for all continents

Example: For a PL/PG which has a dependency level Asia, the PD-0001 SKU will have a value of 11.


A source table for each dependency.

Example: Multiple PX product cost tables for multiple continents

Example: For a PL/PG which has a dependency level Asia, the PD-0001 SKU will have a value of 12.

To use this type, change the name of the source table defined in PriceSettingConfig PP: the value should include the <<DependencyPreference>> placeholder. It will be replaced with the dependency property defined by the dependency mapping mechanism.

For example: for cost configuration which has dependency mapping type Table, the source table is Product Costs <<DependencyPreference>>, and the dependency value is DE, the dependency mapping mechanism will search for a table named Product Costs DE and then perform the lookup.

The Dependency Field in DependencyMappingConfig PP is omitted in this type.
Table dependency does not work for competitors because Pricefx has only 1 PCOMP table.


A source table for all dependencies.

Example: For a PL/PG which has a dependency level Asia, the PD-0001 SKU will have a value of 10.

When a data element has the mapping type = None, it has no dependency mapping or hierarchy, or fallback. In case there are multiple records, it will fetch the first found. And when a table name is dependency wildcard but it has the mapping type = None, it uses the table with no wildcard.

Example: <<DependencyPreference>>CostData => CostData.

The Dependency Field and Mapping Source Field in DependencyMappingConfig PP are omitted in this type.