Upgrade Steps (Price Setting)

This section explains how to upgrade Accelerator to a new version.

Note: Optional features might need to be reconfigured after the upgrade. For details see the documentation of specific modules/engines.

Sequence of steps:

Create Backup of All Logics

Changes to logics will not be preserved through the upgrade. They will need to be applied again in the best case scenario. In the worst case scenario, they will need to be developed from scratch if the code has changed too much.

Find Out Which Accelerator You Have

The easiest option to find out which Accelerator Package you have installed on your partition is to log in PlarformManager and navigate to Marketplace > Templates Management > Deployed Templates and search for your package and partition.

Read All Manual Changes You Need to Perform

Read through this directory:

All manual changes will be marked as “Upgrade Notes” or similarly.

You need to check all versions between your version and the target one, not only newest/major one.

Execute All Upgrade Notes

Follow all of the instructions in the release notes guiding you what to do before upgrading.

Remember that upgrade notes are created additively, so you should do them in the proper order.

Run “Price Setting Package - Upgrade”

Go to PlatformManager > Marketplace > Price Setting Package - Upgrade and perform the upgrade.

Execute Rest of Upgrade Notes

If there is no indicator when the upgrade note should be executed, it means it should be executed now.