Architecture Components (Customer Insights)


Customer Insights Package is an extension of Sales Insights Package:

  • The configuration settings of waterfall chart is re-used from Sales Insights.

Advanced Configuration Option



  • CustomerInsights

PA Data Load

  • CustomerInsights_Aggregation_Sim

Generic Logic

  • CustomerInsights_CustomerDetails

  • CustomerInsights_CustomerProductsPortfolio

  • CustomerInsights_DimensionFilter_Configurator

  • CustomerInsights_GlobalView


  • CustomerInsights_CustomerDetailView

  • CustomerInsights_CustomerProductsPortfolio

  • CustomerInsights_GlobalView

Customer Parameters

  • PFXTemplate_CustomerInsights_Configuration - incl. sample data

  • PFXTemplate_CustomerInsights_Customer_Segment - incl. sample data

For details see .

Analytics Simulation Datamart

  • CustomerInsights

Data Sources

  • CI_AggregatedData – Stores the pre-calculated data.

  • CI_CustomerClassification – Stores information on customer segments and active/inactive attribute for Customers.

Data Loads

  • CI_AggregatedData – Runs a logic to fill data into Data Source CI_AggregatedData. This is Data Load of the type Calculation+.

  • CI_CustomerClassification – Runs a logic to fill data into Data Source CI_CustomerClassification. This is Data Load of the type Calculation.

Calculation Flow

  • CustomerInsights_Sequencer – Keeps the data (Data Sources, Datamart) synchronized by filling the DS CI_CustomerClassification before the DS CI_AggregatedData is filled.


Used for the dashboards - with layouts of the portlets.


This accelerator depends on the following accelerators which will be deployed during the installation too.

  • Shared Library

  • Dashboards Library