Configurable Lookups and PSP Lookups

With the introduction of configurable lookups, users now have the freedom to customize how they conduct lookups, but the data must still be provided in a specific format.

This requirement is fulfilled by the approach outlined.

  • It is up to the user to choose:

    • Source table type

    • Source table name

    • Source table columns

    • Secondary keys

    • Additional custom filters

    • Data sorting

    • ValidAfter or ValidFrom-ValidTo support

    • Warnings/errors if there is no data

    • Usage of dependency levels fallbacks

  • PSP requires:

    • Lookup of specific feature to be defined at all.

    • In “selectedFields”, data should be mapped to specific Groovy names.

Example for basic cost:


Description per feature

  • Base Cost:

    • LookupName: Cost

    • Mandatory fields:

      • cost

    • Optional fields:

      • currency

  • Advanced Cost:

    • Advanced Cost table should point at a specific lookup name

    • Mandatory fields of specific lookup name:

      • cost

    • Optional fields of specific lookup name:

      • currency

  • Actual Price (only if looked up from the data, not PG/PL)

    • Mandatory fields:

      • price

    • Optional fields:

      • currency

  • Stock

    • Mandatory fields:

      • stock

  • RoundingRules

    • Mandatory fields:

      • lowerBound

      • upperBound

      • roundingRule

      • roundingMode

  • priceException

    • Mandatory fields:

      • value

    • Optional fields:

      • currency

  • strategyException

    • Mandatory fields:

      • value


As of current version, the below lookups are not configurable through a Price Parameter. The same mechanism is used, but the lookup configuration is part of the Groovy code:

  • Product Competition

    • LookupName: ProductCompetition

    • Mandatory fields:

      • competitor

      • price

    • Optional fields:

      • infoDate

      • priceType

      • sku

      • attributeId of column with dependency level info (if DependencyLevelHierarchy is used)

  • StrategyConditions

    • Mandatory fields:

      • order

      • condition

      • rule

      • checkException

      • ruleExplanation

      • dependencyLevel