Transaction Lookup (PriceSettingConfig)

This configuration represents a single row of the PriceSettingConfig Price Parameter.








Transaction Source

Defines where data about transactions are stored.



Condition is not needed here. Leave it at the default value (= *).


Leave blank.


  • Datamart

  • Datasource

  • PX

Type of the table where transactions are stored.

Source Table

{name of the table with transactions}

Source Field

{name of the column with the invoice price}

Used for turnover calculation.

Source Field 2

{name of the column with the quantity field}

Used for volume calculation.

Source Field 3

{name of the column with SKU}

Only PX has a default SKU, so we require SKUs for all tables for consistency.

Source Field 4

{name of the column with the date for the invoice}

 The column must be of the Date type.

Source Field 5

{name of the column with the currency}

Invoice price currency

Source Field 6

{name of the column with minimum value of aggregated data}

Only for pre-aggregated PX Source

Source Field 7

{name of the column with maximum value of aggregated data}

Only for pre-aggregated PX Source

Source Field 8

{name of the column with average value of aggregated data}

Only for pre-aggregated PX Source

Why This Lookup Is Not Standardized

  • Hierarchy works differently for Transaction data (it goes down for all sub-levels of the dependency, instead of working as a fallback).

  • A lot of data will be returned for the given time period, there is a "date overlap" issue.

  • Lookup manager supports calls, but transaction data might be stored in a Datamart or Data Source.