Data Requirements (Optimization - Price Waterfall)
A Price Waterfall Optimization model needs a Transactions Datamart to run. Here are the requirements for the transaction fields.
Field | Required? | Comment |
Product | Yes |
Product Label | Yes | If there is no label, the same field as Product would be provided. |
Product Group | Yes |
Product Group Label | Yes | If there is no label, the same field as Product Group would be provided. |
Customer | Yes |
Customer Label | Yes | If there is no label, the same field as Customer would be provided. |
Customer Group | Yes |
Customer Group Label | Yes | If there is no label, the same field as Customer Group would be provided. |
Quantity | Yes |
Global List Price | Yes | Extended to the quantity. The unit Global List Price is defined at a Product level. |
Specific List Price | Yes | Extended to the quantity. The difference compared to the Global List Price is the Specific Adjustment. If the Specific Adjustment is null, the field is the same as the Global List Price one. The unit Specific List Price is defined at a Product and Customer Group level. The Specific Adjustment rate is defined at a Customer Group level. |
Standard Discount | Yes | Extended to the quantity. If there is no Standard Discount, set a field whose value is set to zero. The Standard Discount rate is defined at a Product Group and Customer Group level. |
Customer Discount | Yes | Extended to the quantity. If there is no Customer Discount, set a field whose value is set to zero. The Customer Discount Rate is defined at a Product Group and Customer level. |
Surcharge | Yes | Extended to the quantity. If there is no Surcharge, set a field whose value is set to zero. The unit Surcharge is defined at a Product and Customer level. |
Invoice Price | Yes | Extended to the quantity. The difference between the Invoice Price and the Specific List Price is Surcharge - Standard Discount - Customer Discount - Spot Discount. The Spot Discount is calculated from the other fields. The unit Invoice Price and the Spot Discount rate are defined at a Product and Customer level. |
Net Price | Yes | Extended to the quantity. The difference compared to the Invoice Price is the Off-Invoice Discount. If the Off-Invoice Discount is null, the field is the same as the Invoice Price one. The unit Net Price and the Off-Invoice Discount rate are defined at a Product and Customer level. |
Net Net Price | Yes | Extended to the quantity. The difference compared to the Net Price is the Vendor Rebate. If the Vendor Rebate is null, the field is the same as the Net Price one. The unit Net Net Price and the Vendor Rebate rate are defined at a Product and Customer level. |
Pocket Margin | Yes | Extended to the quantity. The difference compared to the Net Net Price is the CTS + COGS. The unit Pocket Margin is defined at a Product and Customer level. The unit Costs are defined at a Product level. |
Some aggregations are done during the model run. The assumption here is that the data are defined at the expected level of aggregation. If not, the average value, at the expected level of aggregation, is used.