Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard - Analyze Results

The following map models are available:

World Map

Helps you analyze the selected KPI (in this case Revenue) distribution between different continents. Beside the selected KPI, it also shows information on other KPIs for each continent.

Continent Map

Helps you analyze the revenue distribution between different countries of a selected continent. Beside the selected KPI, it also shows information on other KPIs for each country.

Country Map

Helps you analyze the revenue distribution between different regions of a selected country. Beside the selected KPI, it also shows information on other KPIs for each region.

Note on Population

To calculate Revenue or Margin per 1000 people, we need to work with the continent/country/region/sector population, so we have a Company Parameter table to store it. If you need to update the population, you can update it in the Company Parameter table named "SIP_Population".